Self-Care: Do you take care of you enough on a day to day basis? What little daily changes can you do to make you more of a priority? We often feel that if we are taking care of ourselves, that we are being selfish. Think of what is announced before the airplane takes off about […]
Business & Personal Tip – Control – Apr 13 & 14/24
Control: Are you in control of your life or does life seem to be controlling you? Are you in a perpetual motion of life passing you by and you seem a little out of control? Only you have the power to change that! Many people sit in the passenger seat of their life, while others […]
Business Tip – Incidents – Apr 12/24
Incidents: How do you handle incidents that happen in the workplace? Some people have a system or process in place for this, with the necessary paperwork to record such mishaps, some don’t. Although, we hope that we do not have to deal with these, they can and do happen. It is important to have things […]
Personal Tip – Being Stuck – Apr 12/24
Being Stuck: Sometimes you are in a position where you are not moving forward. Those times can create different struggles. However, in that moment, stop where you are and take a good look around… are you: There have been times in my life where I have definitely been stuck and not moving forward. Those are […]
Business Tip – Job Interviews – Apr 11/24
Job Interviews: There are many ways to prepare for your job interview, once you have been chosen as a candidate for a position. There are many great tools on the internet to research different questions and scenarios. More and more companies are doing process that involves many different steps. They conduct a questionnaire (which could […]
Personal Tip – Worry – Apr 11/24
Worry: Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s trouble – it takes away today’s peace. A friend of mine sent that to me the other day. I found this saying to be pretty powerful. I was raised by a mom who believes worrying is part of her traits as a majority of her family had that […]
Business Tip – Resumes – Apr 10/24
Resumes: Your resume is the first thing that gets you through the door. Questions to Ponder: How does your resume compare to others? Does your resume have a professional feel to it? Does it reflect you in it? There are many examples online for resume’s. Have a look at some of them and see which […]
Personal Tip – Overthinking – Apr 10/24
Overthinking: I have spent much of my life overthinking things. It has only been in the last 5 years that I have been able to break this habit, over time. I can say I am free of it now as things do not consume me. I let them go and let life flow. I used […]
Business Tip – Advice – Apr 9/24
Advice: What is the best piece of advice that someone gave you? At the many different phases of business – starting a business – a few years down the road – 10 years into it – or nearing retirement – people will always offer advice or opinions. Some of the opinions or advice will be […]
Personal Tip – Stretching – Apr 9/24
Stretching: This is what I call the zone when life gets uncomfortable. We all have our comfort zones and then the times where life gets uncomfortable. This is when you are being stretched, changing, going through things. In your comfort zone, you feel safe, secure, confident, relaxed and generally happy. Life seems to be going […]
Business Tip – Safety – Apr 8/24
Safety: With NAOSH week a month away, what have you planned to mark that week specifically for your company and industry. The following excerpt was taken from NAOSH Week (North American Occupational Safety and Health Week) was first launched in June 1997. During the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) talks, workplace safety within the […]
Personal Tip – Negative People – Apr 8/24
Negative People: Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution. – Albert Einstein Isn’t that the truth… I never thought about it that way exactly until I read that somewhere. Negative people have a way of feeding off of things… Something inside them needs to be fed with negativity and they […]