This series that I had originally intended for the Personal Tips for the next few days pertained to the business world as well. I have sometimes used the same tip for both Business and Personal but decided that this whole would be utilized for both tips. They intermingle quite well and I would like to […]
Business & Personal Tip – Morals – Apr 22/24
This series that I had originally intended for the Personal Tips for the next few days pertained to the business world as well. I have sometimes used the same tip for both Business and Personal but decided that this whole series would be utilized for both tips. They intermingle quite well and I would like […]
Business Tip – Overtime – Apr 20 & 21/24
Overtime: How much overtime do you work in a given week or month? Many people are overworked now a days and a lot of that has to do with the fact that there is not enough staff to take on the current workload which forces people to do more overtime than necessary. Does your boss […]
Personal Tip – Subconcious Mind – Apr 20 & 21/24
Subconscious Mind: Our subconscious mind is a very powerful tool if we allow it to be. If not, it becomes a weapon and that is where the expression “we are our own worst enemy” comes to mind. Our subconscious mind is where things go round and round and loop if we let them. Thoughts can […]
Business & Personal Tip – Habits – Apr 19/24
Habits: Defined as something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it: and I would add that it is usually something that is hard to stop doing, especially because a lot of the time you don’t notice that you are in fact doing it! Habits can be learned, they can come […]
Business Tip – Diversification – Apr 18/24
Diversification: Did the Covid Pandemic make you look into other things and diversify. Have you downsized in areas or created new avenues for revenue? Some companies used the pandemic to thrive while others struggled? Questions to Ponder: What are areas that you could look into to diversify? What are areas that could be focused on? […]
Personal Tip – Instant Gratification – Apr 18/24
Instant Gratification: In this world of instant gratification, we have come to expect results to whatever it is we are working on to be instant. For Example: weight loss or even weight gain for some, results from working out, results from starting a business, etc. We may not see the results immediately, but don’t quit. […]
Business Tip – Barriers – Apr 17/24
Barriers: Yesterday, we talked about the language barrier, what other barriers do you face at work? There could be barriers between co-workers, employees and management, procedures and processes, systems, emotional barriers – such as a bad experience that makes you hesitant. There may be barriers from keeping you moving higher or transferring. There are many […]
Personal Tip – Carpe Diem – Apr 17/24
Carpe Diem: Seize the Day… What does that mean to you specifically… To me, it means living life to the fullest. We have heard the term all our lives and then in 1989 the movie Dead Poets Society – utilized this phrase and most people refer to it now in context with that movie. In […]
Business Tip – Language – Apr 16/24
Language: What is your official first language? With travel being easier over the last two decades, people have moved all over the world and switched locations. Usually the hardest part of this transition is the language barrier. Talking to people is a necessity in life and it can be very difficult when you are living […]
Personal Tip – Problems – Apr 16/24
Problems: Problems are a temporary, which causes temporary emotions. Making decisions during this time, is something you really have to think about. Since problems are a temporary thing, you have to think about them in this mind frame – will this still be affecting me in this way in 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, […]
Business Tip – Showing Appreciation – Apr 15/24
Showing Appreciation: How do you show your appreciation to others? We do a lot for people throughout the day and others do a lot for us – do you show appreciation for what others do for you? Do others show appreciation for what you do. It doesn’t take a lot of effort, time, energy, words […]