Pension Plans: Many companies have opted out of pension plans, which is unfortunate in my opinion. Many people used to stay at their employment because of the pension, so it used to help in the longevity of keeping your employees. There are different options when providing a pension. Some companies can match the percentage that […]
Business & Personal Tip – Short Term Disability – Nov 7/24
Short Term Disability: A lot of companies have gone away from including this in their benefits package as it can be covered by EI. This is true, but there may be some things that companies are not aware of when they make the decision to exclude this from their benefits package. Although your employees can […]
Business & Personal Tip – Fulfillment – Nov 6/24
Fulfillment Tip: Are you passionate about what you do? Were you once passionate? If so, what changed? It is important to have fulfillment at the end of the day. I believe it is something inside us that needs to be fed accordingly. How could you make changes to your current role that would help you […]
Business & Personal Tip – Distractions – Nov 5/24
Distractions: Whether you are working from home or going to work outside of the home, there are many distractions in a day that can shift your focus. Working from home has many different distractions, such as cleaning, cooking, children, animals, friends calling, and other personal distractions, along with work distractions that can shift your direction […]
Business & Personal Tip – Prioritize – Nov 4/24
Prioritize: How do you prioritize things in your day? Do you use a certain software? Do you use your calendar? Do you use your phone? Do you use a list? We have many things and tasks to accomplish any given day. Some things take precedence over others. Sometimes we include so many items on our […]
Business & Personal Tip – Appreciation – Nov 2 & 3/24
Appreciation: How do you show appreciation to your staff members, co-workers, couriers, family, friends, strangers, etc. We take many things for granted during the day that others do for us. All it takes is a few words that would really make someone else’s day and put a bounce in their step, so to speak. Questions […]
Business & Personal Tip – Communication – Nov 1/24
Communication: Communication is an essential part to: Without communication we really have nothing. You can’t relate to your spouse, partner, friend, child, coworker or otherwise without some form of communication. Even the simplest of task – take for example getting a haircut – if you do not explain to the stylist or barber what you […]
Business & Personal Tip – Freedom in Work – Oct 31/24
Freedom in work: When I say this, I am meaning freedom and trust in the position that the employee holds. When you trust in your employee’s capabilities, you give them the freedom to complete their jobs or tasks with little supervision and no micromanagement. When you do not have that level of trust, either in […]
Business & Personal Tip – Determination – Oct 30/24
Determination: Certain things bring out our determination more than others. Being determined keeps you motivated to finish and complete a particular mission, idea or thought. Being determined helps assist in achieving goals and deadlines. It helps you to achieve things both professionally and personally. Professionally, it can aid in your promotion, position and respect within […]
Business & Personal Tip – Motivation – Oct 29/24
Motivation: What motivates you and keeps you motivated? Sometimes it is easy to be motivated and other times, oh man, it is so hard to get going – no matter what time of day. If we could just capture that moment when we are highly motivated and stay, there but we can’t. It comes and […]
Business & Personal Tip – Have Fun – Oct 28/24
Have Fun: Today I had a very nice compliment from a client. He is an older gentleman who has been around the block a time or two – he has travelled and been to many different businesses and locations. What he said to me today hit home and I thanked him for his compliment and […]
Business & Personal Tip – Changes to the Industry – Oct 26 & 27/24
Changes to the Industry: Many times throughout history, there are changes that go on in different industries. During the past few years, as we worked our way through the pandemic, changes have happened in order to keep up with things that are going on. It has more or less been a forced change on many […]