Working from Home: Do you notice that working from home has created an environment of being more in a silo and less of a team player? When we work alone, it can definitely have that impact on us. Video conferencing definitely helps in this situation to keep more of a team environment, but is it […]
Personal Tip – Gratitude Journal – June 3/24
Gratitude Journal: Challenge – do a grateful or more commonly known gratitude journal for one month. Think of 1-3 items per day that you are grateful for and see if you feel different at the end of it. Something that I do in my grateful journal is include 3 items per day – something that […]
Business & Personal Tip – Opportunity – June 1 & 2/24
Opportunity: Oppotunity is just around the corner, if you choose to believe it and have your heart, mind and eyes open to recognize and receive it! I know from experience that it doesn’t always feel like it is. Sometimes or even most times, it tends to feel out of reach. However, it is usually our […]
Business Tip – Work from Home – Part 1 – May 31/24
Work from Home: Work from home or in the office preference? More people than ever have been or are now working from home due to the pandemic. It has given people the opportunity to be home with their family more. It has given people the opportunity to experience working from home. It has given companies […]
Personal Tip – Life as a Tree – May 31/24
Life as a tree – it takes root – some are shallow, some are deep; it branches out in different directions – some just reach for the sky, some twist and turn all over the place, some have many branches, some have very few branches; some are short, some are tall; some are skinny and […]
Business Tip – Triggers – May 30/24
Triggers: Everyone has them. They are things that come up in the present that remind us of the past and not in a good way. Most people think of triggers in a personal way, but they can happen in a work environement as well. It can happen with friendships, co-workers, management, but most of the […]
Personal Tip – Control – May 30/24
Control: Are you in control of your life or does life seem to be controlling you? Are you in a perpetual motion of life passing you by and you seem a little out of control? Only you have the power to change that! If you are looking for ways to take back your life, and […]
Business Tip – Time Off – May 29/24
Time Off: Do you get enough relaxation time – mentally and physically? Do you allow yourself to do this? Prior to Covid and working from home, I know a lot of people that would put the OOO (out of office) message when they went on vacation, however, that message went something like this: “I will […]
Personal Tip – Maintenance – May 29/24
Maintenance: We take better care of our vehicles than we do ourselves. We keep up on the maintenance, regular oil changes, etc. We take our bodies and mind for granted. We have such high expectations regarding our bodies and minds. We expect them to run great everyday – at times or with regular lack of rest […]
Business Tip – 5S Tip – May 28/24
5S Tip: Outline your tools in marker or use the foam insert to show which tool goes where. This is good for when a tool is missing you know which tool is not there quickly. When you take a tool to do a job, the key is to make sure to bring it back and […]
Personal Tip – Judgement – May 28/24
Judgement: Why do we feel it necessary to judge others and what they are doing with their lives? We should have no control over what they do, so why do we feel it is important to share our thoughts with them? It’s time we started looking in the mirror and focusing on our lives and […]
Business Tip – Promotions – May 27/24
Promotions: Promoting the wrong people will create an environment to lose your best people… When you are thinking of promoting people to a management or supervisory position – keep the following things in mind: Unfortunately, many people are promoted for the wrong reason… These are just a few examples, however, I believe you understand the […]