Hardware Upgrade: With technology, it is ever changing. Our PC’s are good for about 5 years of life. It is a machine that works roughly 8-10 hours a day 5 to 6 days a week and we expect them to work every day all day without fail….But they do fail, and they do come to […]
Personal Tip – Good Will – June 27/24
Good Will: Every year around Thanksgiving, I take time to organize my house – go through closets, drawers and the rest of the house. Whatever I haven’t used in the last year – I take it to good will. This helps me to declutter my house and get rid of things that are not being […]
Business Tip – Finding Great Talent – June 26/24
Finding Great Talent: Do you use a recruiting company or do you prefer to use in house personnel (HR department) to hire new employees? There are so many different options in finding talent for your organization. But how do you know whether you are hiring the right person for the role? It may cost a […]
Personal Tip – 5 Love Languages – June 26/24
The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman: I read this book almost 20 years ago, and I still refer to it today. I found it to be spot on and gave some understanding on how people feel loved – what fills their love tank, so to speak. When you are speaking someone’s love language, […]
Business Tip – Starting a Business – June 25/24
Starting a Business: During this pandemic, I think more people have thought about going out on their own than ever before. But where do you start? First comes the idea. Next, the concept. Will it be online or brick and mortar? Will it be sole proprietorship or how will it be set up? Who will […]
Personal Tip – Healthy Love & Acceptance – June 25/24
Healthy Love & Acceptance by Others: I believe it is these two words that keep people motivated. Everyone is looking for, striving for love and acceptance. Whether it be in family, friendships, relationships, work, etc. When you feel loved and accepted for who you are, you feel more confident, more centered. You are more likely […]
Business Tip – Safe Operating Procedures – June 24/24
Safe Operating Procedures: How are your processes to understand? Are they confusing, do they make sense? When creating SOP’s, think as if you have been in the company for 2 days and you are having to do this particular process. Look at it through fresh eyes. Are there any steps missing? Does it flow and […]
Personal Tip – Gaining Weight – June 24/24
Gaining weight: We tend to do this over the winter months. It is one of the top New Year’s Resolutions every year – to lose weight! As we age losing the weight is harder to do. I have been experiencing this over the last couple of years and the things that used to work haven’t […]
Business & Personal Tip – Human Error – June 22 & 23/24
Human Error: To err is human… It is and has been an expression for years, and there is truth in it! In every position that I have held, I have looked into this little saying and looked for areas that we can cause errors. I do my best to minimize the human error risk by […]
Business & Personal Tip – SWOT – June 21/24
SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats. In business, this is something that is utilized to assist in making decisions – especially for startups or in the planning phase. However, it is beneficial to continue to use this process when making important or impactful business decisions. This tool may be used in business but can […]
Business & Personal Tip – My Story – June 20/24
My Story: I have a shirt that says “My life. My choices. My mistakes. My lessons. Not your business. Mind your own problems before you talk about mine. My life is not your story to tell.” It may sound a bit harsh but in reality it is a very true statement. It is my life, […]
Business & Personal Tip – Legacy – June 19/24
Legacy: What legacy do you want to leave behind? There are many ways throughout our life that we can leave a footprint or legacy. Personally: By doing this, you create a root system that helps the next generation to be more grounded and feel connected to something bigger than themselves, that they can add to […]