Time Management Tip: We all have a lot to accomplish in a day, a week, etc. When you focus on too many things at once, nothing seems to get accomplished. Mark down your top 3 things for the day and try your best to accomplish those. At the end of each day, cross off the […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Management / Co-workers Tip – Oct 28/21
Management / Co-worker’s Tip: Think of one positive quality, added value, characteristic, trait, project, idea, each person in your team offers and let them know. Put this into practice on a weekly basis. Find something different each week and make a point of mentioning it to each person individually. This can also work for co-workers […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Autopilot Mode -Oct 28/21
It is amazing and surprising to me how often we operate and function on autopilot on a daily basis. I have started to recognize this and shift from autopilot mode to manual mode to become more conscience and mindful of my what I am doing. If we stay on autopilot we tend to miss out […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Self-Care – Oct 27/21
Do you take care of you enough on a day to day basis? What little daily changes can you do to make you more of a priority? We often feel that if we are taking care of ourselves, that we are being selfish. Think of what is announced before the airplane takes off about putting […]
Business Tip / Opinion – 5S Tip – Oct 27/21
5S Tip: Take 10 minutes a day to organize or clean something in your work area. It could be files, electronic files, desk drawer, work table, locker, tools, just something in your area. If you make a small amount of time daily, over time it will become more organized and easier to locate things. You […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Challenge – Oct 26/21
Challenge yourself today. Make a point of making someone smile – whether it is the gas attendant, cashier, a grumpy co-worker – just someone out of your circle… give them a reason to smile today!
Business Tip / Opinion – Email Tip – Oct 26/21
Email Tip: Organize your email – create folders that make sense and once the email has been dealt with file it in the correct folder. Every Friday take about ten minutes to review the emails that are still in your Inbox and see if some can be filed or if you have missed answering any. […]