Forgiveness: Christmas is a time of Miracles…at least that is the theme to many Christmas movies and songs. But it does hold a different energy than the rest of the year. Christmas is a time of reflection, a time to look back, and look forward. A time to right your wrongs, amend things with people, […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Courtesy Vehicles – Dec 18 & 19/21
Courtesy Vehicles for Clients: In your industry do you provide courtesy cars to your customers? How often do you clean the vehicles on the inside and out? Do you take pride in these vehicles? Do you have them maintained regularly? When you provide a service for your clients like courtesy vehicles, it is important that […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Vehicle Rust – Dec 18 & 19/21
Vehicle Rust Tip: I have looked at numerous vehicles on the road and there has always been a common theme. They tend to rust in the same spots. Have you ever wondered why? I have and I asked my husband to explain it to me. They rust in the same spot on vehicles due to […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Uniqueness – Dec 17/21
Uniqueness: What is your skillset? What sets you apart from others? What is unique about you? I think we sometimes get in a rut and have times where we just go through the motions of our job, task or position. We get stagnant. It happens. In those moments, we need to reflect on what sets […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Habits – Dec 17/21
Habits: Defined as something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it: and I would add that it is usually something that is hard to stop doing, especially because a lot of the time you don’t notice that you are in fact doing it! Habits can be learned, they can come […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Hardware Upgrade – Dec 16/21
Hardware Upgrade: With technology, it is ever changing. Our PC’s are good for about 5 years of life. It is a machine that works roughly 8-10 hours a day 5 to 6 days a week and we expect them to work every day all day without fail….But they do fail, and they do come to […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Christmas Baking – Dec 16/21
Christmas Baking: I am fortunate that I live in the same area as my folks. We get together every now and then. This past weekend, we did some Christmas baking. My youngest daughter got to learn some recipes that we have made through the years. Some recipes were from my mom’s mom, some were from […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Marketing – Dec 15/21
Marketing: Clickbank: This is something that I have recently found out about. It is a really neat concept for Affiliate Marketing. I have been looking into the different options that Clickbank offers and have found that I am liking the concept and the way that it is set up. You can use this as a […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Simpler Times – Dec 15/21
Simpler Times: Before the invention of cell phones, people were more relaxed. If they missed a call, they didn’t even know about it half the time, or they would check their voicemail and eventually call them back. It was a very different time. Now people get upset if they can’t get a hold of you […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Finding Great Talent – Dec 14/21
Finding Great Talent: Do you use a recruiting company or do you prefer to use in house personnel (HR department) to hire new employees? There are so many different options in finding talent for your organization. But how do you know whether you are hiring the right person for the role? It may cost a […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Cold Weather – Dec 14/21
Cold Weather: The biggest key to staying warm in the winter months is to layer. When you layer, you keep your core temperature up. If you get too warm, you can take a layer off. There are so many different options now a days for staying warm: You can buy jackets, hoodies, vests, socks, insoles, […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Starting a Business – Dec 13/21
Starting a Business: During this pandemic, I think more people have thought about going out on their own than ever before. But where do you start? First comes the idea. Next, the concept. Will it be online or brick and mortar? Will it be sole proprietorship or how will it be set up? Who will […]