I took an extra couple days off. Just needed that time to relax and chill. I think it is important that we know that about ourselves – when we need to allow ourselves to do that. First we got a lot of snow over a two day span that had to be dealt with on […]
Happy New Year !!
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Snow Days – Dec 27/21
Snow Days: We didn’t have much snow prior to Christmas and this year I struggled to get into the Christmassy Spirit – I believe maybe because of the lack of snow, it really didn’t look or feel like Christmas, maybe Covid has kind of taken a toll on celebrations, I’m really not sure but think […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Be Realistic – Dec 24/21
Be Realistic: You can’t do everything at once. I know how it is to want things the way that you want them, but you can’t kill yourself trying to get there. Prioritize things as you can, roll with the punches when you have to, and breathe and relax. It will get there – it may […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Hormone Changes – Dec 24/21
Hormone Changes: I never really noticed things changing – until my youngest started having issues with her acne and then I noticed that some of my issues might be changing hormones due to my age. Little annoyances didn’t really make me think about it until it had probably gone on for over 2 years. Check […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Work Ethic – Dec 23/21
My work ethic: I would consider myself very fortunate. One of my first jobs was working for my dad. We owned a food van and a restaurant. I helped out and worked where I could around my schedule as a tween. We lived in a small town, so our house was 1 ½ blocks from […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Peace – Dec 23/21
Peace: This is a very loaded word. One that not many people have truly captured. It has taken me a lifetime of pursuing peace to finally grasp what it truly is and how to obtain it. First off, I found out that you cannot have peace without forgiveness. You forgive others, not because they deserve […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Warehouse – Dec 22/21
Warehouse: How is your warehouse organized? Can people find things quickly and easily? A lot of times, warehouses just get stuff shoved in them and then when it comes to finding something, it can be a difficult task – this especially happens during the winter months when we are cold and really don’t want to […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Hydration Pills – Dec 22/21
Hydration Pills: This is a recent find of mine. My dad struggles to drink enough water and it is starting to cause some unwanted health issues. So, looking at different options, I came across these and thought it is something that probably many people struggle with. Most people struggle with dehydration and don’t understand that […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Co-worker Conflict – Dec 21/21
Co-worker Conflict: What do you do when you don’t get along with a co-worker? Having to deal with conflict at work can be tough and make your work unbearable. When your work environment is tough, it takes any enjoyment out of it and you come home exhausted. I tend to deal with it by discussing […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Compassion – Dec 21/21
Compassion: What is the meaning of Compassion? The meaning of compassion is to recognize the suffering of others and then take action to help. Compassion embodies a tangible expression of love for those who are suffering. What is the definition of Compassion? The definition of compassion, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is the “sympathetic consciousness […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Client Care – Dec 20/21
Client Care: What makes your customer service so good or not so good? Do you go out of your way to make sure your clients are happy with your goods or services? Have you ever thought of doing surveys with your clients to get their feedback? People love providing feedback when they are asked. Find […]