Phenomenal People: I have had the amazing pleasure throughout my life to get to know numerous Hutterite people, on a personal and professional level. They are a tremendous community of generous individuals. When they hear of a need, they do their best to fill it and help out. They just helped to feed supper […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Job Injury – Jan 25/22
Injured on the Job: If you get injured at work, do you report it? Some do and some don’t. What I am trying to bring your attention to is this; it may not be a big thing now and you may be able to live with it or it just affects your life for a […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Take a Break – Jan 25/22
Make Life Easier: Sometimes, we get tired of the regular routine – especially about this time of year. I think it has something to do with the cold, snow, and just hanging out in the house… Around this time, I get tired of doing the dishes, cooking, cleaning, laundry, shoveling, etc. So, give yourself permission […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Impact – Jan 24/22
Impact: I briefly touched on this word yesterday. As we go through this next week, I believe we will start to have a greater understanding of this word on our lives. The definition of the word impact is: a powerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation or person: (taken from) Think back over a time in your life, […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Distance – Jan 24/22
Distance: There are times during our relationships that we must spend some time apart. I recently saw a saying that said “Distance doesn’t matter when the roots of your relationship are strong enough”. We have all heard that “Distance makes the heart grow fonder”. To me, there are a few things that go with the […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Supply Chain – Jan 22 & 23/24
Freedom Convoy: I am all for freedom of speech, for our rights and freedoms, etc. and I support and commend those who are willing to stand up for their rights and the rights of others. As I have stated previously, I remain neutral on a lot of the things that have happened during the past […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Our Children – Jan 22 & 23/24
Our children: This pandemic has changed many things throughout the last two years. The one that I think it has impacted the most is our children. All ages – wearing masks all day and many not understanding why. The germ free environment of chemicals being used to keep them from getting sick. Missed school days, […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Worker Shortage – Jan 21/22
Lack of Workers: As people are getting short on employees (and some companies are), please remember that honesty is the best policy. Exaggerating or being dishonest, to get the employees to come on board or sign up, may get the employee in the door, but it may not keep them, in fact it will not […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Crisis – Jan 21/22
Crisis: Who are you and what are you like during a crisis? How would you describe yourself when you are in the midst of a crisis? How would those around you describe you when you are in a crisis? You can say all kinds of things of who and what you are like during a […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Ups & Downs – Jan 20/22
Ups & Downs in Business: In business, it is natural to have its ups and downs. During different times in history, certain types of businesses have struggled and others have thrived. For example, how many people would have thought 2 years ago that companies that made face masks would be thriving? So, which category does […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Impact – Jan 20/22
January 23, 2022: At this point there is a lot of discussion and things all over the internet discussing the trucker’s decision to halt their loads as of noon on the 23rd of January and the possible impact it will have. This is in my opinion the first real act of protest throughout this last […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Technology Reboot – Jan 19/22
Technology Reboot: It is amazing how we rely on different pieces of technology every minute of the day! If you go into work and your computer isn’t working properly, your phone glitches or has issues, the technology in your car isn’t working the way it should, it can be very frustrating. Sometimes we have an […]