Year End: This time of year can be challenging for many people. Just after Christmas and New Year’s rest and relax time, you get straight into year end when you get back to work and your brain is still on vacation mode! It takes a lot of preparation, organization and even some overtime to get […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Loneliness – Feb 2/22
Loneliness: I would say that is one word that comes to mind during the last two years. Due to the restrictions and lock downs, it has kept people inside and without a lot of outside communication or visitation. With a lot of people working from home as well, there has been a lot less face […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Fundraising – Feb 1/22
Fundraising: As the nation and possibly others have opened their pocket books to assist in the Freedom Convoy 2022 (at this point, it is over 9.5 million dollars, which is absolutely heartwarming and phenomenal). It is great to see people united and standing together, not only in words, but in actions, sharing, caring, participation, standing […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Have Fun – Jan 31/22
Have Fun: Today I had a very nice compliment from a client. He is an older gentleman who has been around the block a time or two – he has travelled and been to many different businesses and locations. What he said to me today hit home and I thanked him for his compliment and […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Photos – Jan 31/22
Photos: In a world where the younger generations are continually taking selfies – which honestly just amazes me; I have never enjoyed my photo being taken, never mind sharing it with other people and the world… Due to this, I am usually the one taking the photos. This can be a good thing, but I […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Industry Changes – Jan 29 & 30/22
Changes to the Industry: Many times throughout history, there are changes that go on in different industries. During the past two years, as we have worked our way through the pandemic, changes have happened in order to keep up with things that are going on. It has more or less been a forced change on […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Memories – Jan 29 & 30/22
Memories: All of us have memories; some are great, some are amazing, some are tough and some are ones we would like to forget. Either way, they are part of what makes us who we are today. Sometimes we focus too much on the ones we wish we could forget and forget about the good […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Volunteers – Jan 28/22
Volunteers: Does your company utilize and require volunteers? If so, a key element to keeping, maintaining and sustaining volunteers is having an organized environment. Many businesses operate with the advantage of incorporating volunteers, especially for fund raising and as support staff. Many people like to volunteer and enjoy the feeling of making an overall difference […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Volunteering – Jan 28/22
Volunteering: Have you taken the opportunity to volunteer to assist in something? There are so many businesses, places, organizations, non-profits, and senior’s homes that utilize and need people to volunteer their time. If you have time, it is well worth the effort of volunteering. I started volunteering when I was 12 at a Senior’s Home […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Unified Front – Jan 27/22
Unified Front: It is highly important when dealing with customers, that the business have a unified front, especially those front facing. If different departments or individuals are giving different advice, pricing or information to the customer, that causes confusion and then the customer doesn’t know who to trust or believe. Make sure your team has […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Helping Others – Jan 27/22
Helping Others: Are you helping others out of the goodness of your heart, for them, or are you helping others because you get something from it? What is your agenda when helping others? Sometimes, we help others because it fulfills something in our lives. For example, I have helped others in my life because I […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Work Clothes – Jan 26/22
Work Clothes Allowance: Some companies have this, and some don’t. If you require your staff to purchase items that they only need for working there, you should consider giving them a clothing allowance. For example: steel toe work boots. If people are required to purchase these in order to work in the business, they should […]