Fire Insurance: We had a fire in our city yesterday in an apartment block – one that was being built, so no one was hurt or lives changed for that matter. In saying that though, it gets me to think about sharing this information. Do you have enough insurance? A lot of renters do not […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Distractions – Feb 17/22
Distractions: Whether you are working from home or going to work outside of the home, there are many distractions in a day that can shift your focus. Working from home has many different distractions, such as cleaning, cooking, children, animals, friends calling, and other personal distractions, along with work distractions that can shift your direction […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – De-stressing – Feb 17/22
A trend I have noticed over the last few months with friends and family, along with comments made, is that part of their de-stressing routine is playing games on their phones. They do this regularly – while watching tv, while waiting on anything, on coffee breaks, while on the phone, while waiting on their food […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Mitigating Risk – Feb 16/22
I only combine the two tips into one when I feel strongly about a topic and feel the need to emphasize it on some level by just having one post that day. I feel this is one of those points. Mitigating Risk: The risk mitigation involves development of mitigation plans designed to manage, eliminate, or reduce […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Customer Service & Covid – Feb 15/22
Customer Service & Covid: This is an interesting topic. Customer Service has meant many things in the past before Covid. Since Covid, things have changed. Some companies have really stepped up their customer service by providing different services – adding the option of delivery, curb side pick-up, changing their products or services to provide the […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Moving Forward – Feb 15/22
Moving Forward: How do you move forward when you feel like you are stuck in the mud… This past couple of years has kept us in a holding pattern. With lock downs, restrictions and mandates leading our lives, we have been stuck so to speak. It has been hard to move in any direction, especially […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Happy Valentine’s Day – Feb 14/22
Happy Valentine’s Day: I want to take a moment to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day. This Valentine’s Day, I want you to do something different. I want you to do something for yourself – do an act of love and kindness for you… Buy yourself something special, treat yourself to something different, do something […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Extreme Weather – Feb 12 & 13/22
Extreme Weather: This winter, we have had some very different weather. One day it is -45 with the wind chill, the next day it is +4 and melting. People have missed more work this year than in the past due to the extreme winter conditions in our area. People are stuck at home, as they […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Encouragement – Feb 12 & 13/22
Encouragement: What comes to mind when you think of this word? The word that comes to mind when I think of encouragement is support – positive support. I am fortunate that I am surrounded by people who encourage me on a regular basis. We encourage each other – to be better, to try new things, […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Prioritizing – Feb 11/22
Prioritizing: How do you prioritize things in your day? Do you use a certain software? Do you use your calendar? Do you use your phone? Do you use a list? We have many things and tasks to accomplish any given day. Some things take precedence over others. Sometimes we include so many items on our […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Dream – Feb 11/22
Dream: Sometimes in our life, it can be next to impossible to dream. One day rolls into the next, and the next, etc. We get into the pattern of existing and surviving and lose hope in our dreams. What are your dreams? What do you hope for? What have you hoped for? Questions to Ponder: […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Appreciation – Feb 10/22
Appreciation: How do you show appreciation to your staff members, co-workers, couriers, etc. We take many things for granted during the day that others do for us. All it takes is a few words that would really make someone else’s day and put a bounce in their step, so to speak. Questions to Ponder: What […]