Process: Keeping in line with the last few days’ topics, we’ll touch a little bit on process. Franchises have succeeded because of this very thing. They follow a process or system – the franchise owners and staff follow the process or system and do it the same way which is how they are identified and […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Helping Yourself – Apr 1/22
Helping Yourself: How do you stay grounded? What does being grounded mean to you? For me, it means being unmovable, being stable, being centered in my truth with the confidence to stand my ground… When you are floundering, when life gets chaotic, when things don’t make sense – that is when you need to seek […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Structure – Mar 31/22
Structure: What does your business structure look like? Is it working for your business? A lot of businesses don’t really put a lot of thought into their structure set up and fly by the seat of their pants just going through the motions every day. Everyone just does what they believe they need to do, […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Helping People – Mar 31/22
Helping People: There are lots of ways that we help each other – building fences or sheds, helping with renovations, moving, cooking, cleaning, driving people around, doing errands – all sorts of things. We help others, others help us, it’s kind of a life cycle. What I find very interesting though in the process is […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Foundational Pillars – Mar 30/22
Foundational Pillars: What are the foundational pillars in your business? Foundational pillars are the key points that your business is built on. These can grow and expand and should be developed throughout the life of the business. They can change and evolve along with the business but should always be at the forefront of the […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – The Golden Rule – Mar 30/22
The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Which means treat others how you want to be treated. I grew up living and being taught this rule. This works to an extent but as we have grown and evolved, some people have continued in this manner but on many […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Mergers & Acquisitions – Mar 29/22
Mergers & Acquisitions: A new trend over the past few years is companies merging or buying other companies to become a power house in their industry. Some companies have almost made this a habit and that is their main focus. It is smart business – buying up your competition or becoming more competitive by getting […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Funny how life is… – Mar 29/22
Funny how life is: You know it is more politically correct to fart or burp in public than it is to sneeze or cough. It has become my mother’s nightmare! If people sneeze or cough in public, you can just see everyone’s reaction – but if you fart – no one even notices anymore… It’s […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Promotional Items – Mar 28/22
Promotional Items: These are things that we really haven’t had to purchase the last little bit as we haven’t had many, if any functions to attend. Now with things opening up, we are allowed to go to conventions and events again – operate booths and hand out promotional items. Questions to Ponder: When you have […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Normalizing – Mar 28/22
Normalizing: I am not sure where you reside in this world or how it was affected by the whole Covid chaos – here where I reside, things have started to relax for the first time in two years. I am not sure things will ever get back to the way it was before, however, it […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Prize Draws – Mar 26 & 27/22
Prize Draws: Do you ever do prize draws for your customers? Some businesses do and you can have lots of fun with it. Sometimes you can do it around an event or sometimes just for the fun of it! I think things have gotten to the point where we need to put fun first – […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Time – Mar 26 & 27/22
Time: Sometimes time seems to stand still, other times it seems to be a race and it just zooms by, other times each moment melds into the next and life is a blur, and then there are the times when it keeps going for everyone else and you just want it to stop… Treasure every […]