Spirit: We talked about body and mind last week. What do you do for your spirit on a regular basis? There are different things that you can do for your spirit that you do for your body and mind – such as working out, meditating, etc., but there are other things that you can do […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Happy Easter – Apr 16 & 17/22
Happy Easter: To me, Easter is a time for new beginnings, which is why I like to have a time of self-reflection on Good Friday. Good Friday’s reflection, gives me the new or different direction to go for my new beginning. It is interesting, when you have that view, that way every year, life can […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Good Friday – Apr 15/22
Good Friday: Good Friday is not just a day off of work – it is a time to reflect on life and your choices. Regardless of your religious beliefs whether you have any or not, utilize this day to reflect on your life – past – present and future. It is a day of self-reflection. […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Storms – Apr 14/22
Storms: There was a very bad storm front on the way and for the first time since I can remember, everything shut down prior to the storm – which was actually a very eerie feeling. They were predicting snow (wet snow) of between 50 – 80 cm, up to 90 km per hour winds, along […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Incidents – Apr 13/22
Incidents: How do you handle incidents that happen in the workplace? Some people have a system or process in place for this, with the necessary paperwork to record such mishaps, some don’t. Although, we hope that we do not have to deal with these, they can and do happen. It is important to have things […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Mind – Apr 13/22
Mind: What do you do on a regular basis that is for you mind? There are many different ways that we can take care of our minds? We can meditate, pray, listen to calming music, rest, relax, watch a funny show or movie, go to counselling, play games on our devices, a weekend away from […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Job Interviews – Apr 12/22
Job Interviews: There are many ways to prepare for your job interview, once you have been chosen as a candidate for a position. There are many great tools on the internet to research different questions and scenarios. More and more companies are doing process that involves many different steps. They conduct a questionnaire (which could […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Body – Apr 12/22
Body: What do you do on a regular basis that is for your body? Some people exercise, do yoga, go to the gym, run and that is one form of taking care of your body. I call it working from the outside in! Some people watch what they eat, take supplements, do cleanses or detox’s […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Resumes – Apr 11/22
Resumes: Your resume is the first thing that gets you through the door. Questions to Ponder: How does your resume compare to others? Does your resume have a professional feel to it? Does it reflect you in it? There are many examples online for resume’s. Have a look at some of them and see which […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Take a Bath – Apr 11/22
Take a Bath: If you have had a stressful day, learn to take a bath in Epsom salts or olive oil to relax your aching muscles and mind. It is truly amazing how wonderful a warm or hot bath feels and what it does for you at the end of a long day. Run a […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Advice – Apr 9 & 10/22
Advice: What is the best piece of advice that someone gave you? At the many different phases of business – starting a business – a few years down the road – 10 years into it – or nearing retirement – people will always offer advice or opinions. Some of the opinions or advice will be […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – A Weekend Away – Apr 9 & 10/22
A Weekend Away: Do you and your partner get enough undivided attention from each other and give enough of it to each other? These past two years’ getaways were harder but now with things opening up, I encourage you to spend some quality time together. Take a trip, go somewhere on the weekend, do something […]