Living the Dream… I just want to elaborate on the previous post and take it to another level. Are you? or is it just a sarcastic phrase you say to yourself and others? Think about it… What would make that statement come to life in your life? Questions to Ponder: Are you happy? Are the […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Time is short… – June 2/22
Time is short… Normally I write separate posts for business and personal, however, once in a while I write about a topic that hits both – then I only write one post. Today’s post is like that. Since the beginning of this year, I have personally known quite a few people that have passed away. […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – We’re Back! – June 1/22
Good Morning!! We are back – finally – it’s funny how you think these smaller jobs will take less time, when in actual fact, they are intricate and time consuming! A lot has happened this past month: We have had numerous Colorado lows with interesting storm patterns and weather – it brought severe wind and […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Apr 30 – May 31/22
We are needing to do some work in the backend, so will be unable to post anything further until that is complete. I am taking this month off to allow for the necessary work to be accomplished and updated. Please feel free to review previous posts during this time frame. Thanks for understanding!
Business Tip / Opinion – SDS – Apr 29/22
SDS – Safety Data Sheets: Have you changed over your MSDS to the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) format – SDS’s? It was a lot of work for companies to change over to the GHS, but it was worth the effort, so that everything is consistent and easier to understand and now it’s worldwide […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Weeding Your Garden – Apr 29/22
Weeding Your Garden: This is an expression I have used over the years to comment on looking at the people you have in your life. After checking out yesterday’s post, think about the people that may not be showing appreciation and have a tendency to take you for granted. When you weed your garden, you […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Showing Appreciation – Apr 28/22
Showing Appreciation: How do you show your appreciation to others? We do a lot for people throughout the day and others do a lot for us – do you show appreciation for what others do for you? Do others show appreciation for what you do. It doesn’t take a lot of effort, time, energy, words […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Certifications – Apr 27/22
Certifications: There are many different certifications that you can get that will enhance your resume and overall skillset. Many of them are inexpensive and not very time consuming but can give you the edge over another candidate applying for the same position, put you in a position for promotion or a raise. With online learning, […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Taking People for Granted – Apr 27/22
Taking people for granted: We have all been guilty of this at some point in our lives. The expression “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone”, comes to mind. So, before that happens, take a moment to think of the loved ones in your life and if you lost them – think of […]
Business Tip / Opinion – First Aid Skills – Apr 26/22
First Aid Skills: In some workplaces or positions, it is important to have your First Aid or CPR certification. However, it is not mandatory in many positions or companies. Questions to Ponder: In saying that, who is qualified in your workplace? If something happened, is there someone or more than one person that could step […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Survival Skills – Apr 26/22
Survival Skills: On a scale on 1-10 where would you rate yourself on a survival test? If you were dropped in the middle of a thick forest, far away from civilization, how would you fair? Questions to Ponder: What would you use for tools? What would you eat? How would you find water? Can you […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Away Time – Apr 25/22
Away time: Do you have a job that takes you away from home? There are many jobs and positions that take you away from your family life. Sometimes it is a few weeks a year, other ones it can be on a more regular basis. Questions to Ponder: How do you keep the closeness to […]