Emotions & Animals: Animals are amazing creatures… They feel so many things being around us. They are way more sensitive to moods and have an innate understanding of what we are feeling, what we are going through. It is simply incredible. In saying that, you can also learn a lot about yourself if you look […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Root Cause – June 11 & 12/22
Root Cause: When you read that – what comes to mind? Think about it as a tree – the root of the tree, the trunk, the limb, the branches, the twigs, the leaves and possibly fruit. Many times in life we look at the symptoms instead of the cause. Using a health example – we […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Exceptional Employees – June 10/22
Exceptional Employees: I have worked with a lot of truly amazing people throughout the years. When I first started out in business, companies were very good at rewarding good behaviors, work ethic, attitude, punctuality, and so on. Nowadays, things have changed. It in my opinion, has millenialized – not that it is a word, but […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Pain is Relative – June 10/22
Pain is relative: What does that even mean? Pain is pain – something that hurts – whether it be physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, pain is pain and there are many different types of pain. Some pains are debilitating –which means it stops you where you are and does not allow you to move – again […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – One of those days… – June 9/22
One of those days: Ever have one of those days… We all tend to know what that little phrase means. It means that absolutely everything that could go wrong does and no matter how hard you try or don’t try – that theme continues throughout the day. Well, yesterday was “one of those days for […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Sports Pools – June 8/22
Sports Pools: In the past, we have utilized Hockey, Football and Baseball pools for our clients. Your client picks their players and then they are entered into the system. It goes for the duration of the season and at the end of the season, there is a winner or winners… It is a great way […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Nature – June 8/2022
Nature: This last week, I have been able to get back out in my yard, now that the weather is cooperating! I have been spending time weeding my garden, taking off the dead leaves or stems and cultivating the ground around the root to give it the best start of the season. Last year, I […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Workplace Safety – June 7/22
Workplace Safety: Worker Rights: Do you know what your rights are? We go over them in the safety meetings, when you are reviewing the safety manual and other safety related items… But do you truly know your rights and do you exercise them? The 4 R’s of Safety are: Right to know Right to participate […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Online Safety – June 7/22
Online Safety: As I was working on the Business Tip / Opinion of the day – the 4 R’s of safety, I came across this interesting website and it gave me the idea to share and discuss this topic. The 4 R’s of online safety, which I am just learning about after reading this article. […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Yard Cleanup – June 6/22
Yard Cleanup: Now that winter has left and the rainy spring seems to have let up, what does your yard look like at work? Take a walk or drive around the compound, the grounds and see if it needs some general housekeeping. Throughout the winter, some things can get a little messy – garbage lying […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Wedding Season – June 6/22
Wedding Season: It’s back to being wedding time! The last couple of years have put a damper on this, however, it is back to normal now and the weddings have started! A few people I know had put their plans on hold, so that they could have their moment with their family and friends by […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Summer Time – June 4 & 5/22
Summer Time: Now that summer weather is finally here, what are your goals to accomplish at home, at the office, for vacation time, etc.? Do you have a garden that you want to work in? Do you play a sport that you spend time enjoying – such as golf, cricket, soccer, baseball? Do you spend […]