One bad apple: This is an age old expression and still holds true to this day. The bad apples metaphor originated as a warning of the corrupting influence of one corrupt or sinful person on a group: that “one bad apple can spoil the barrel”. Excerpt taken from,apple%20can%20spoil%20the%20barrel%22. This is something that definitely happens […]
Personal Tip – Flippy Flop – Mar 8/23
Flippy Flop: It has always interested me or should I say disgusted me in how people flippy flop… It may sound like a weird expression but it is one I use. Others may use the expression – Two Faced. It is when people are for you – your friend, family, loved one, spouse, etc. and […]
Business Tip – Exceptional Leaders – Mar 7/23
Exceptional Leaders: This is something that has significantly changed throughout the times. If you google this subject, many different articles and ideas come up, and every one of them seems to have a bit different idea or concept. Here are a few different links to the different ideas. As you can see […]
Personal Tip – Interesting Options – Mar 7/23
Interesting Options: While looking into different things in other countries, I came across some interesting ideas that would be a nicety for Canada… In Mexico, they have their blood type on their driver’s license – which makes it so much easier during emergencies for the hospitals if blood is needed – makes it simpler. The […]
Business Tip – Exceptional Employers – Mar 6/23
Exceptional Employers: What makes a workplace great? Every year, there are articles printed about the best companies to work for – what makes the criteria for those results? Looking at different websites, they seem to have some similarities on topics and some differences. Excerpt below taken from:,which%20they%20like%20their%20colleagues “A great workplace is all about: […]
Personal Tip – Sandwich Generation – Mar 6/23
The Sandwich Age: I am at an age that they call the sandwich age – still raising kids while helping aging parents. I am not sure about you, but I watched my parents age significantly during the Covid pandemic. I must admit, I am fortunate – I have a relationship with my parents that is […]
Business & Personal Tip – Spring – Mar 4 & 5/23
Spring: Spring is a time for new beginnings… The weather is starting to let up, the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, people are starting to get cabin fever, which creates an environment to get out more. You start seeing more people out and about, while getting more invitations to get together. It’s funny […]
Life – Technology – Life – Mar 3/23
Life – Technology – Life It has been a while since my last post – a lot has happened… On a personal level, I worked a lot of long hours, (but I do love what I do and it was my choice), I fell down the stairs of my 114 year old house (the steep, […]
Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Flooding – June 15/22
Flooding: We have talked about our weird weather patterns previously and what has been going on in our area. Yesterday, numerous Rural Municipalities flooded – some claiming “State of Emergencies” and others are close. Roads have washed out, train tracks are affected in places, some small bridges have been taken out with the force of […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Warehouse Cleanliness – June 14/22
Warehouse Cleanliness: Why is it important to have a clean, organized warehouse? Cleaning and organizing your warehouse can be a chore – it took time to get to the point that it is and it will take time to get it to make changes. It is well worth it to have it organized and while […]
Personal Tip / Opinion – Emotions – June 14/22
Emotions: Looking at yesterday’s post, and really taking a deep look within, how do you affect those around you with your emotions? We all have emotions – are they controlling you, or are you controlling them? Sometimes, if we take the time to look at the affect we have on those surrounding us, we have […]
Business Tip / Opinion – Proactive vs Reactive – June 13/22
Proactive vs Reactive: What are the benefits of being proactive vs reactive? Being proactive in life is a much smoother, calmer, more enjoyable way to live. In business, we can tend to get into the habit of fighting fires – this can create a chaotic work environment with heaps of pressure and stress. It is […]