The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman: I read this book almost 20 years ago, and I still refer to it today. I found it to be spot on and gave some understanding on how people feel loved – what fills their love tank, so to speak. When you are speaking someone’s love language, […]
Business Tip – Business Arrangements – Nov 30/23
Business Arrangements: I am posing this question to Business Owners. Questions to Ponder: What happens with your business in your demise? Do you have your business affairs in order? There are necessary steps to take when owning a business to make sure that it is taken care of, sold or dissolved in your passing. Even […]
Personal Tip – Sleep – Nov 30/23
Sleep: How much sleep do we really need? We can research what they say is optimal sleep for us, however, we are all different. The way I gauge this is if I wake up prior to my alarm going off, then I know that I have had enough sleep. I do notice that during colder […]
Business Tip – Distractions – Nov 29/23
Distractions: Whether you are working from home or going to work outside of the home, there are many distractions in a day that can shift your focus. Working from home has many different distractions, such as cleaning, cooking, children, animals, friends calling, and other personal distractions, along with work distractions that can shift your direction […]
Personal Tip – Hormone Changes – Nov 29/23
Hormone Changes: I never really noticed things changing – until my youngest started having issues with her acne and then I noticed that some of my issues might be changing hormones due to my age. Little annoyances didn’t really make me think about it until it had probably gone on for over 2 years. Check […]
Business Tip – Prioritize – Nov 28/23
Prioritize: How do you prioritize things in your day? Do you use a certain software? Do you use your calendar? Do you use your phone? Do you use a list? We have many things and tasks to accomplish any given day. Some things take precedence over others. Sometimes we include so many items on our […]
Personal Tip – Hydration Pills – Nov 28/23
Hydration Pills: As we head into winter, everything seems to be drier. The air, our skin, hair, and it is important to do things to stay hydrated for our health. However, not everyone is good at drinking their 8 – 10 glasses of water a day! My dad struggles to drink enough water and it […]
Business Tip – Appreciation – Nov 27/23
Appreciation: How do you show appreciation to your staff members, co-workers, couriers, clients, etc. We take many things for granted during the day that others do for us. All it takes is a few words that would really make someone else’s day and put a bounce in their step, so to speak. Questions to Ponder: […]
Personal Tip – Compassion – Nov 27/23
Compassion: What is the meaning of Compassion? The meaning of compassion is to recognize the suffering of others and then take action to help. Compassion embodies a tangible expression of love for those who are suffering. What is the definition of Compassion? The definition of compassion, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is the “sympathetic consciousness […]
Business & Personal Tip – Communication – Nov 25/23
Communication: Communication is an essential part to: Without communication we really have nothing. You can’t relate to your spouse, partner, friend, child, coworker or otherwise without some form of communication. Even the simplest of task – take for example getting a haircut – if you do not explain to the stylist or barber what you […]
Business Tip – Freedom in Work – Nov 24/23
Freedom in work: When I say this, I am meaning freedom and trust in the position that the employee holds. When you trust in your employee’s capabilities, you give them the freedom to complete their jobs or tasks with little supervision and no micromanagement. When you do not have that level of trust, either in […]
Personal Tip – Vehicle Rust – Nov 24/23
Vehicle Rust: I have looked at numerous vehicles on the road and there has always been a common theme. They tend to rust in the same spots. Have you ever wondered why? I have and I asked my husband to explain it to me. They rust in the same spot on vehicles due to dirt, […]