Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip – Time Off – May 29/24

Time Off: Do you get enough relaxation time – mentally and physically?  Do you allow yourself to do this? 

Prior to Covid and working from home, I know a lot of people that would put the OOO (out of office) message when they went on vacation, however, that message went something like this: 

“I will be on vacation for the next couple of weeks, taking some time off and going to enjoy the beach in Mexico with my family.  If you need to reach me, I will have my phone and laptop with me.  See you when I get back.”  

My first thought was “REALLY????”  What kind of vacation is it if you are taking all your work stuff with you?  Is that fair to you?  Is that fair to your family?   

We all deserve time away from the office, the workplace, the problems, the stress  – cause let’s face it, if that person is needing to be reached, it is not to say everything is running smooth! 

Questions to Ponder: 

Do we do this for job security? 

Do we do this because the place can’t run with us? 

What would happen if you got hit by a bus and had to be off work long term or indefinitely – would the place shut down? 

I have always had the philosophy that if I did get hit by a bus, how long would it take the next person to fill in and take care of the necessary details and keep the business running smoothly, the clients happy, the team doing well?   

I set up my role or position in a manner that I leave things prepared, keep good notes, and simplify things – not because I am easy to replace but because I am confident that I am good at what I do.  I keep others well informed, share information, mentor people because I am building a legacy instead of a silo.  That is my job security. 

When I leave for vacation – it is just that – I am on vacation – the best definition of vacation I found says this “a period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel; recess or holiday:” and this “freedom or release from duty, business, or activity” found at

We mentally, emotionally, energetically, physically and even spiritually need to allow ourselves a time of complete rest.  It is rejuvenating – it feeds your soul and gives you a fresh start for when you come back.  It may even give you a new perspective on what you were previously working on and make it better! 

I know that when I am away, things from my end will run fairly smooth without me because I have created that environment and left things in good hands and gave them the necessary information to deal with whatever comes at them.   

To me, in doing it that way, I am creating job security because I am secure in my work and confident in my skills and the value that I bring to the business. 

In doing this, I have made some wonderful connections, relationships and when I have left the position, the business is in a better place than when I started (and it’s not because I was let go, I made the decision to leave). 

We need to reflect on this point even more now that people are working from home.  Put in your 8 or 10 hours per day – whatever you are getting paid for and then leave it at the end of the day to spend time relaxing and enjoying your family.  The work will be there the next day.   

You and only you can create the proper boundaries you need in your life for the right amount of balance. 

Work hard, take care of you and enjoy time with your loved ones! 

I don’t know of anyone on their death bed that said “I wish I would have worked more…” 

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