Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip – Software Tip 2 – May 24/23

Software Tip 2:  Is your software working for you or are you working for it?  

There are a lot of exceptional software options – what percentage are you utilizing it.  Do you have overlap?  Most of the software programs we have, we only utilize a small percentage of it but there is so much more to it.  Then we purchase another one and add that to everyone’s learning curve when the previous one would have accomplished that too. 

We tend to buy the software to do a particular job, but we don’t look what other options it has or could do to benefit us.  Then when we need another job done, we purchase another software, when the previous one would have been capable of doing it.

For example:  QuickBooks – we buy it for doing our books – invoicing, payables and receivables, etc., but do you track your projects with it?  If you input the proper information into the Project tracker portion, you will have a better idea for future quotes and tenders. It is another step and takes a bit of time, but the benefit is huge.  You will have the opportunity to see if you are quoting enough, your profit or loss.

Check your current software to see what portions of it you are utilizing and what else it is capable of before purchasing another one or see if it has aspects that would be beneficial to capture or utilize that you are not currently using!

Question to Ponder:

How many different software programs are you using? 

Are you utilizing it to its full potential?

How much time are your employees spending on different software that is supposed to make their job more efficient?

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