Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip – Software – May 23/23

Software Tip:  There are so many different options to choose from with so many different price tags.

A lot of time we tend to go for the cheaper one and that is our deciding factor.

Before you purchase one, think about what it is exactly you are expecting the software to do for you…

Then dig a little deeper into the current ones you have to see if one of those has the option you are seeking.

A lot of the time, we do not use our software to its full potential and then keep adding new ones (or layers as I call it), into the mix and there is no need.

Then take a moment to think about this… are we bombarding our employees with the different software we purchase?

Are we wasting our employees time by having them input so much information into different software solutions that are supposed to help in their time management but now we are drowning our employees in extra unnecessary workload and their day to day work is suffering?

Questions to Ponder;

What things are you taking into account when purchasing your software choice?

Are you polling your employees or asking your IT provider for input?

How much time per day do you spend filling out information into different software systems?

Do you find it useful?

Again, what is the expectation of the software purchase?

Take a little time to consider the software and the end result.

See if any of the other software you have provides an option similar to your expectation.

Providing the proper tools for your employees is essential for best productivity and employee engagement, just make sure it is the right tool for the desired outcome.

Once you have provided the tool, provide proper training for the software and set the desired expectation with the employee, so you do get the necessary information into and out of the software!

What is the best software that you have purchased and why? Email us and let us know at

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