Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip – Prize Draws – Dec 20/23

Prize Draws:  Do you ever do prize draws for your customers?  Some businesses do and you can have lots of fun with it. 

Sometimes you can do it around an event or sometimes just for the fun of it! 

I think things have gotten to the point where we need to put fun first – everything has been so serious these last couple years in so many different aspects of our lives that we need to break loose a little and do things that put a smile on our faces and those around us. 

Having a contest or prize draw is a neat way of doing something like that. 

Questions to Ponder: 

What kind of contest could you run? 

What could you celebrate? 

What kind of prize draws would work? 

Make it your own and make it unique – have some fun with it! 

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