Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip / Opinion – Year End – Feb 2/22

Year End:  This time of year can be challenging for many people.  Just after Christmas and New Year’s rest and relax time, you get straight into year end when you get back to work and your brain is still on vacation mode!

It takes a lot of preparation, organization and even some overtime to get everything accomplished that needs to get done!

Here are some links to check out on year end:

On a more personal level:

Try to create a system or process that works best in your work environment and then create a checklist for the procedure.  Keeping it consistent is key and will help for many years to come.  If you don’t write it down, every year you will be fumbling around and possibly miss something because you don’t do it regularly enough.

Do what works best for you!

Questions to Ponder:

Do you struggle with this time of year regularly?

Are there ways you could simplify the process?

Can you share the workload with others?

Is your current process working for you or could it use some tweaking?

If you need any assistance, check out or contact them at for more details and options.

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