Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip / Opinion – Uniqueness – Dec 17/21

Uniqueness:  What is your skillset?  What sets you apart from others?  What is unique about you?

I think we sometimes get in a rut and have times where we just go through the motions of our job, task or position.  We get stagnant.  It happens.

In those moments, we need to reflect on what sets us apart from the rest of the pack.  We need to look at our uniqueness.

By doing that, you are snapping yourself out of that funk and regaining your passion, insight, and reason for choosing the career path that you chose.

Sometimes we look at our uniqueness as if it were a bad thing, it is not, embrace it and build on it.  You will find that you will be happier as you will be more of your true self.  You may even enjoy your work more as you will be more passionate and enthusiastic.

If you really aren’t sure of the answer to these questions, set out on a quest to find them out about yourself and enjoy the journey you are embarking on.  Challenge yourself by asking others these questions about you and see what their response is.  It might surprise you!

Questions to Ponder:

What is your skillset?

What sets you apart from others?

What is unique about you?

What gets your blood pumping – what excites you?

What is important to you?

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