Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip / Opinion – “One L” – Nov 5/21

Customer Service / Sales Tip:  Every time you talk to a potential client, ask for the correct spelling of their name, their phone number and email address, and best time to connect with them so that you can email them promotions, keep in contact and start establishing your relationship.  Not everyone will be forthcoming, but many will be appreciative.

People do appreciate being asked how their name is spelled. My name has been spelled incorrectly most of my life as it is the French spelling of Michele and I am not French. I was however a namesake for my mother's sister's daughter who passed away when she was young and her dad was of French descent. However, for the majority of my life I was called Michael (male) which added insecurities of it's own growing up! I have always taken note of people who made the effort to spell and pronounce my name correctly!

Something I have come up with in adulthood to assist people in knowing how to spell my name correctly when I introduce myself is - My name is Michele, I am "one L" of a Michele and I say the last part fairly quickly, so it sounds like something else!! Most people laugh or at least smile at the expression! Having that little saying has helped a lot, made it fun and memorable at the same time!

Questions to Ponder:

What has been your experience with obtaining people's contact information? 

Are people responsive to provide their information or more guarded? If people are more guarded, take note of what or how you are asking or saying it and see if you can make changes to your approach or pitch that would open people up to providing that information.

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