Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip / Opinion – Foundational Pillars – Mar 30/22

Foundational Pillars:  What are the foundational pillars in your business?

Foundational pillars are the key points that your business is built on.  These can grow and expand and should be developed throughout the life of the business.  They can change and evolve along with the business but should always be at the forefront of the business decisions and direction.

It is no different than building a house.  You need to have a good, solid, strong foundation or it will shift and move and break causing all sorts of problems for years to come.

In business when the foundation is unstable, gaps begin to grow and can become big issues.

This can affect the employees and clients – as the gaps grow it affects them more and more.  Some staff will leave, others will get used to it and go one of two ways – they will either try to start filling in the gaps or they will give up and do the minimal recognizing that they might be in a losing battle.  Some customers will stay along for a while and some will leave and most likely not return.

If the gaps are unidentified, they will run rampant causing all sorts of havoc for everyone. 

A lot of people and companies struggle with choosing to identify their gaps – for some reason they see them as a negative and a failure – you can’t ignore the gaps – they do not go away on their own and they usually grow, which tends to create other issues – loss of profit and productivity to name a couple.

To me, choosing to acknowledge and recognize your gaps is a positive decision – coming up with solutions to fill them, remove them and deal with them head on is a defining moment.  It strengthens the company and gives way to different possibilities in the future.

Questions to Ponder:

How is your foundation?

What are your foundational pillars?

Do you have gaps?

If you are wanting some more ideas or assistance on this, please visit or contact for more customized services.

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