Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip / Opinion – Exceptional Employees – June 10/22

Exceptional Employees:  I have worked with a lot of truly amazing people throughout the years.

When I first started out in business, companies were very good at rewarding good behaviors, work ethic, attitude, punctuality, and so on.

Nowadays, things have changed.  It in my opinion, has millenialized – not that it is a word, but more of a phrase I use.  It is the same attitude in all ages where, everyone makes the team – no more team tryouts, no one gets cut, everyone gets a participation ribbon – society has lumped everyone together – now no one needs to try to do anything – but how realistic is that in life?  Is this optimal to be teaching?  To put it in a different perspective – when 300 people apply for the same job – do they all get it??

Instead of singling out the people that are doing really well, going above and beyond and the ones that show up regardless of what is going on in their lives – everyone is lumped together - they either reward absolutely everyone a little bit or they don’t do anything at all.

Questions to Ponder:

How is that right?

How do people not see the problem with these decisions?

Reward the few that stand out, so that others want to put some effort into it and strive for it… Give people something to work for… get some true, good old fashioned competition going. 

At the same time, acknowledge and appreciate those that make a difference, that make the extra effort!

Lumping everyone together just gives you the opportunity to lose your best employees or even worse – it takes away their passion, it changes who they truly are deep within – they may start being less than they truly are… and that is an absolute shame… and so unnecessary…

Bring out the best in people!

Help people to strive and thrive!  Then reward the ones that do…

Take stock of who you have on your team – who stands out and why?

Make up a list of things and see where everyone stands – make it simple…

Start out with a one on one discussion with them and let them know that having them as an employee makes your company better.

Then start having conversations with each and every one and see where there game needs to step up or maybe where a shift needs to change in their job description that might assist with them being more passionate about their job.

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