Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip / Opinion – Education or Experience – Nov 23/21

Education or Experience? In the old days, Experience was considered the optimal option.

In more recent years, education has become the more optimal option.  I have been exposed to both types of people – people that are highly educated and people with years of experience.

Some companies have set certain parameters to not employ people without the proper education and they are underestimating the power of experience, which is definitely a detriment as there are many people with wonderful attributes that are being overlooked unfortunately.

There are definite benefits to both – some include but are not limited to:


  • Knowledge to pull from
    • More by the book
    • Less adaptable to change
    • Specialized knowledge
    • Technical Skill
    • Adds Value to the business establishment
    • Read about lessons learned
    • Knows how to study and research


  • Applied knowledge to pull from
    • Figure things out as needed – through past experience, research and connections
    • More adaptable to change
    • Well rounded – usually have more variety
    • Skill set is based on previous employment
    • Adds Value to the business establishment
    • Actual lessons learned
    • Knows how to put things into practice

There are definite roles where it is not an option between education and experience – a person must have a certain diploma or certificate in order to fulfill that particular role which is understandable, however there are some roles currently that education may not be required to fill a certain role – what is your preference to employ?

Both have put their time in – some may not have had the means to put their life on hold and afford going to university or college for a duration – should they be penalized for that?

Questions to Ponder:

What do you believe is more beneficial?

Why should they have a different pay scale when they have both have put their time in accordingly?  Respect those who have experience with the proper pay scale…they deserve it!

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