Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip – Information Technology – May 22/23

Information Technology:  Do you have a backup solution? 

Most people do not think of this as a necessary product or expense but it truly is – think of the hours of work that have gone into creating what you currently have and what it would mean to you if one day you turned on your computer and nothing was there, everything was gone…

It is important to have a backup solution and test it regularly to make sure that it will work if and when needed.

This has affected me personally over the past decade both professionally while working for a previous company and personally losing a lifetime of photos and work over the last two decades.

When you do not have a backup solution set up and testing it regularly (that is the key word as I had covered my bases with a backup solution but it didn't work when I needed it to).

Once you get your items back (if that works - as it doesn't always), you are constantly second guessing if you really got it back in full and that it is unaffected and accurate - you deal with second guessing it and lack of confidence and trust.

Take the time and make the necessary arrangements to invest in a backup solution - it is definitely an investment!

Question to ponder:

If your system crashed today – how long would it take for you to be up and running?

What importance do you put on a backup solution?

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