Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip – Finding Great Talent – Oct 4/23

Finding Great Talent:  Do you use a recruiting company or do you prefer to use in house personnel (HR department) to hire new employees?

There are so many different options in finding talent for your organization.  But how do you know whether you are hiring the right person for the role?

It may cost a bit more money to contract it out, but they have a more thorough process in finding the right person.  

Using a recruiting company also takes a little longer due to their process.  However, being more thorough, can be a good thing by finding the best talent for the position, and in finding longevity in that position.

If you haven’t used a recruiting company, consider trying one.  Interview a few different ones, to see which one is the best fit for your company and then see what happens.  Either way, you have the final say!

Another idea - do you take notice of the people around you when you are out and about?  Is there a particular cashier that stands out – someone that you notice goes the extra mile? 

Sometimes we find our best employees that way - have a conversation with them – maybe they are looking for something else – you never know who you will find and where.  Keep your eyes and ears open and see what happens!

No matter how you find your team - there is great talent out there!

Questions to Ponder:

Do you have a process for recruiting talent?

Do you take a little bit extra time to make sure the person is a fit?

Would looking into a recruiting company make sense?

Do you notice the people around you when you are running errands or are you so focused on what you are doing and what is on your mind?

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