Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip – Determination – Jan 27 & 28/24

Determination:  Certain things bring out our determination more than others. 

Being determined keeps you motivated to finish and complete a particular mission, idea or thought. 

Being determined helps assist in achieving goals and deadlines.   

It helps you to achieve things both professionally and personally. Professionally, it can aid in your promotion, position and respect within the company.  Personally, it can aid in losing weight, eating healthy, getting into shape, keeping a clean and tidy house, along with many other things. 

Determination can be considered a positive thing and at other times a negative thing, depending upon people’s views. 

I consider determination to be a very positive attribute.  It is something that continually pushes us to strive for something, even when it gets difficult. 

Consider what determination means to you. 

Questions to Ponder: 

Would you describe one of your characteristics as being determined? 

What promotes determination in you? 

What motivates you to be determined? 

How do you view determination? 

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