Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business & Personal Tip – Taking out the Trash – Mar 16 & 17/24

Taking out the Trash: This is something we do on a regular basis – whether at home, in the office or workplace.

You may not personally take it out but it goes out when it needs to which ends up being quite regularly. Once it is taken out, it is gone for good.

This concept is something we need to start applying in our personal lives, professional lives and businesses.

We tend to go over our past mistakes, words that others have spoken, judgements from other and ourselves, disappointments, emotions, failures, problems, and the list goes on and on and on…

We go over them in our minds, our thoughts, which turn into feelings and ultimately turn into words that we say to ourselves and others, or reiterate in meetings – over and over again… like shit on a wheel going round and round.

What we may not realize is that every time we review these thoughts and words, they get reinstalled, take root – deeper, and remain in our memories, minds, emotions, bodies, spirit and soul – this does not serve or benefit us.

Nothing changes – because our past keeps dictating our future.

The definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

So let me put this another way… taking out the trash.

We may try to let go of things, do rituals, say things – essentially put them in a trash bag – however, when we go to take them out to the bin, we cut it open and spread the garbage out all over the place – we litter in our own lives – over and over again and again – rinse and repeat.

We do this by going over and over things and not truly letting them go.

We would never do this with our trash – our garbage – why do we allow ourselves to do this in other areas of our lives?

It clutters us up, soils everything and we continually do it.

“Grief doesn’t get any lighter, we just get used to carrying the weight” – this is an expression that I have used over the years – I am not sure who said it but I have appreciated and understood the message. You could use any number of words instead of Grief… struggle, pain, disappointment, devastation, and again, the list goes on.

It’s time to let go of some of the weight that we have been carrying around once and for all.

If you need to say it one last time – release it all, let it go, cry it out, scream if you have to but truly let it go and then when you are done, replace it with love, joy and peace. If it comes back to mind, release it again but instead of using words, just release the emotion – tears, laughter, scream and walk away from it.

Once this is done – forgive it, forgive them, forgive your God, forgive yourself.

“Forgive others, not because they deserve it, but because you deserve peace” – another favorite expression of mine.

Then remember this “Don’t look back, you are not going that way” – I have that on my wall. Move Forward - keep your whole body – head, shoulders, hips, feet and especially your eyes going in that direction.

I have coasters that say “Your past is a guidepost, not a hitching post” – simply put, sometimes not easily done.

Move forward – whether it is baby steps, regular steps, or giant leaps. And when you get there, put a mental stake in it – each step forward to remind you not to go back – hold your ground. Even if you stay there for a bit at least you are not going backwards.

Remember, be gentle on yourself – it takes time.

It’s time to take out the trash. Leave it in the bin and walk away – with your back turned towards the bin. Just like you would with your actual garbage.

Change you’re here and now, which will inevitably change your future.

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