Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Storms – Apr 14/22

Storms:  There was a very bad storm front on the way and for the first time since I can remember, everything shut down prior to the storm – which was actually a very eerie feeling.  They were predicting snow (wet snow) of between 50 – 80 cm, up to 90 km per hour winds, along with possible power issues due to wet, icy, snowy hydro lines.  They also closed roads prior to the storm.

This was predicted for Wednesday the 13th.

A lot of businesses closed, people stayed home and the storm did hit and by 3 pm it was under full force.  We however, did not get the amount of snow that they predicted nor did it snow as long as they thought it would. 

By Friday, things started to melt.

However, with the wind, it took down a lot of big and small branches and my yard was a mess.  Between shoveling and clean up, it took a few days to get everything back to normal.  We started on Thursday morning and finished last night.

Then, it started to snow again and it has been snowing all day again today.  We actually have more snow over the course of today then we did last week.  So, we have been out shoveling again.

It also looks like we will have a mixture of snow and rain all week with mostly cloudy days. 

It is not unusual for us to have weird weather in April, but this year has definitely been very unpredictable with the cold weather and stormy weather.

It got me to thinking about the storms in life and how tumultuous that can be.

What can we liken the storm to – unpredictable, windy, branches all over the place, messy, creating havoc, especially at this time of the year.

So, I thought about it, and the word that comes to mind is Gossip.  Gossip does the same kind of damage – it wreaks havoc in people’s lives and causes many problems that shouldn’t need to exist.

This is something that can affect our personal life and our professional life.

Questions to Ponder:

Why would we want to cause that in someone else’s life?

What do we truly gain from doing that?

It goes back to that old expression – walk a mile in another person’s shoes and then you can talk about it.

We really, truly don’t know what goes on other people’s lives, so why would we want to add more pain and problems to their world.  Everyone is going through enough.

We need to start building people up instead of tearing them down.  We will feel better when we do that and so will they. 

We need to learn to help people along in life, instead of hinder.

Let’s do our part to keep life’s storms away from each other and instead give way to allow for sunnier days!

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