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Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Snow Days – Dec 27/21

Snow Days:  We didn’t have much snow prior to Christmas and this year I struggled to get into the Christmassy Spirit – I believe maybe because of the lack of snow, it really didn’t look or feel like Christmas, maybe Covid has kind of taken a toll on celebrations, I’m really not sure but think it is a combination of things.

On the 26th, it started snowing at night – that light, tiny little flakes, barely noticeable snow.  But it accumulated overnight and we awoke to a full on Snow Day – no one was going anywhere!  It took us hours to shovel out!  And it kept snowing for a majority of the day into early afternoon.

Now it felt like Christmas!  Funny how we perceive things in our mind.  We are still snowed in two days later, still digging out and the town is at a standstill – barely any movement.  Things are still, crisp and cold.

There is no way my vehicle is going anywhere – our back lane is about 2 feet deep and the back lanes usually don’t get graded, so still trying to figure out what to do exactly.

The only thing on the streets are plows, graders, loaders and skid steers and the odd vehicle brave enough to venture out!

In the next few days the busyness will start again as people go to work and life goes back to normal, but for now the stillness is a welcome time.  It makes us reflect on how busy our lives really are.  It gives us a true time of peace and stillness that our bodies and minds need.  It is rejuvenating.

I am thankful for this family time – this beauty, this quiet time. 

So in saying this, I am taking the week off to spend time with my family, shovel out and give my mind a break from everything!  It’s good to know when you need to take a break!

I will be back in the New Year with new ideas, thoughts, tips and opinions.  Until then, take it easy, relax, take time to review your life and see where you want to take it in 2022!

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