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Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Reality of Life – Mar 14/22

Reality of Life: I am back – it has been a while. 

Sometimes, you need to know when to take a break. 

A family member that lives far away had recently got into a car accident.  Having to deal with it through great distance and time change is never easy.  I helped another family member get ready to go over and assist and I must admit – travel today has taken on a whole new meaning.

It takes a lot of time and effort to get everything in order to fly – the paperwork was very interesting and time consuming.  We got them off and away to help out and stay there for a while, so a lot of things had to be dealt with.

Trying to find help online and do my part and get things in order was also quite time consuming.

Then, I was just getting things reorganized here and back into my life and then a friend of mine – a few years older than me died suddenly – he had a heart attack in his sleep.

Between these two happenings, it gives you that jolt of reality – it makes you think.

Anything can happen at any time. 

It just reinforces the past few previous posts that I had created.

It also makes me think about making my peace with things, people or whatever or whoever. 

It has been a couple of weeks that seems more like a whirlwind and everything around here looked like a tornado touched down!

So, I gave myself this weekend to get my life back under control before starting to post again.

I tidied, organized and cleaned my house – it helped clear my mind and helped me feel better.  I did lots of laundry that had piled up. I also colored my hair, did my nails and a face mask.  I also took the time to watch a couple of movies and relax.  And I let someone run errands for me, so that more got accomplished without me having to do everything. 

It gave me a boost. 

After living almost half a century, I finally know what I need to take better care of me.

Remember, either you control of your life or it is controlling you – only you can make the choice.

Questions to Ponder:

Do you give yourself the time you need to reflect, regroup and recuperate?

Do you help others but lose yourself in the process?

Is your life a whirlwind?

Have you read my previous posts?

Do what you need to do to take care of you!

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