Happy Easter Image 2022

Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – Happy Easter – Apr 16 & 17/22

Happy Easter:  To me, Easter is a time for new beginnings, which is why I like to have a time of self-reflection on Good Friday.

Good Friday’s reflection, gives me the new or different direction to go for my new beginning.

It is interesting, when you have that view, that way every year, life can kind of become new again and lead you to do and try different things.

Every year we grow from our experiences and our journey.

Each Easter I learn from that and see where I want to take life for the next year.  Otherwise, if you are not leading your life, life is taking you in a direction and it may not be one you want to go in.

Questions to Ponder:

Where do you want to go this next year?

What do you want to accomplish?

What do you want to be reflecting on next year?

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