Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip / Opinion – Peace – Dec 23/21

Peace:  This is a very loaded word.  One that not many people have truly captured. 

It has taken me a lifetime of pursuing peace to finally grasp what it truly is and how to obtain it.

First off, I found out that you cannot have peace without forgiveness.  You forgive others, not because they deserve it but because you deserve peace.  If you cannot forgive, you will not have true peace.

Secondly, you can only make peace with that which is in your control.  Situations you cannot control by only your decisions are beyond your control which means they are beyond your peace.  You can only make peace with what you can control.  Anything you cannot control by your own decisions you need to let go.  By truly letting them go and recognizing that it is beyond your control, you can come to terms and make peace with that knowing that it is beyond your control.

You have to recognize as well, that you are on your journey and other people are on theirs.  Their journey may not look like yours, it may not give you good feelings, you may not like the journey they have chosen – but it is their journey not yours.  You can choose to love those people, you may not like their decisions, and that is okay.

Questions to Ponder:

Do you strive for peace?

Have you obtained it?

Is there someone you need to forgive?

Are you in turmoil?

Check out to gain peace from your past, for your present and future.

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