Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip / Opinion – Christmas Miracles – Dec 20/21

Forgiveness:  Christmas is a time of Miracles…at least that is the theme to many Christmas movies and songs.  But it does hold a different energy than the rest of the year.

Christmas is a time of reflection, a time to look back, and look forward.  A time to right your wrongs, amend things with people, a time for sharing and caring and making memories.

This Christmas take a moment to reflect – if you are holding onto anger, guilt, hatred, bitterness, resentment, or any other negative emotions towards a person or group of people, say a prayer of forgiveness and carry that through into the New Year. 

It does not have to happen verbally with the other person, you can do it within yourself first and foremost – it can come later with the other person or group, or you may choose not to.  That is your choice.  You may not be able to, if the person involved has passed on or you no longer know where they are.  By choosing to do this from an inward perspective, it will shift something inside of you first.  Let that take root.

Take time to let go of everything you are holding against anyone and do not carry that forward into the New Year.  Start the New Year with a new slate.

Just because you forgive someone, does not mean you forget, it just means you are willing to no longer hold onto it and allow it to have control or power over you, your feelings or your emotions.

It means you now choose to let those negative things that have been holding you back go – you choose to cut those strings and instead you choose to move forward in your life with positive feelings and emotions. 

It is not a one and done thing.  Every time that experience or person comes to mind in your life, resay that prayer of forgiveness and choose to let it go again, instead of feeling or thinking of those negative feelings.  You may have to do this numerous times over the next year or more but every time you let it go, you gain a little more peace and time between the next one.  Keep doing this until it no longer exists or comes back.  You will gain your freedom and empowerment back!

Questions to Ponder:

Are you holding on to something you need to let go?

Do you need to forgive someone?

What has truly been holding you back?

Will you choose to do this?

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