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My Twelfth Finding…

Honestly when I started this journey, I thought I would be where I wanted to be by now…

Obviously, I am not.  I feel blessed for the information that I have found out thus far and am grateful that I have put it into practice.  I believe that I am healthier for knowing it, trying it and or continuing it, however, lack of results is beyond frustrating.

My journey will not stop until I get the results that I am looking for and am healthy on the inside and out.

I believe I will reach my goal weight and that is what continues my journey.

I will not accept that this is my new body and just live my life as I will continue to gain weight and be unhappier with each passing year which affects your body, mind, spirit, overall health, self-esteem, self-image and confidence.

And let’s be honest, with each pound gained, it causes more stress on my body inside and out.  There has to be something going on inside of me that I need to figure out and it is keeping me from the results I am looking for – health first and foremost, feeling better, looking better and stronger.

Estrogen Dominance or Dirty Estrogen

What is Estrogen Dominance or Dirty Estrogen?

(taken from),causing%20an%20excess%20of%20estrogen

This occurs when Estrogen not being metabolized well: When estrone metabolites get broken down and ineffectively detoxed and/or eliminated they can become “dirty” metabolites, and recirculate in the body causing an excess of estrogen.

Why does Estrogen Dominance happen in the first place?

  1. Increased toxic load on the body.  This can come from:
    •  heavy metals
    •  PFOAs in cookware
    •  Pesticides
    •  Plastics
    • Chemicals in personal care products and home cleaning products
    • Environmental toxins
  2.  Synthetic hormones from the birth control pill or HRT
  3.  Liver congestion
  4. High Blood sugar levels
  5.  Chronic stress – unresolved trauma or unhealthy mental patterns
  6.  Smoking and alcohol use
  7.  Nutrient deficiencies – Some of the most harmful culprits are grains, dairy, corn and sugar.
  8.  Genetics – Certain gene mutations make you less able to break down estrogens and remove them

It occurs when there is a higher concentration of estrogen to progesterone in your body.

This can happen for 3 reasons (sometimes all 3 at the same time!)

1. When it is unbalanced – Too many of the bad guys: Too much estrone (E1) and estradiol (E2), also known as the “aggressive estrogens”, compared to estriol (E3), which is the “protective estrogen.”  This excess of estrogen can come either internally, (due to other health issues) or externally (environmental triggers).  It’s important to identify and reduce all known causes of this excess estrogen.

2. Progesterone to Estradiol is unbalanced – Not enough of the good guys: When there is insufficient progesterone (the calming hormone), to counteract the more aggressive estradiol (E2).

3. Estrogen not being metabolized well: When estrone metabolites get broken down and ineffectively detoxed and/or eliminated they can become “dirty” metabolites, and recirculate in the body causing an excess of estrogen.

What can be done to treat estrogen dominance?

Lots!!  But no one thing will be the magic solution.  Since it most likely took several things to create this imbalance in your body, there will several components to your healing.  We can’t keep doing the same things and expect different results; we need to change some habits and incorporate others to shift our bodies towards healing.

  1. Reduce stress.  You may think you are coping but your body is telling you otherwise.  There is extensive research on the mind/body, brain/gut connection.  Leaky minds, (toxic thinking, anxiety, depression), lead to leaky guts and vice versa.  It’s important to address both and activate the parasympathetic nervous system as much as possible.
  2. Improve nutrition.  Everything you put in your mouth either helps heal you or harm you. Eating the same foods every day is not good for the gut microbiome; a 4 day rotation is ideal. Incorporate lots of cruciferous veggies into your diet, (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, arugula, mustard greens, collard greens, turnips, radishes, rutabaga and watercress)
  3. Heal your gut. Even healthy foods can be harmful if you have a sensitivity to them. Try an elimination diet for 2-4 weeks. Start by eliminating the 7 most common aggravators, (gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, soy peanuts and nightshades), for 2-4 weeks and see if you have any improvement.  You may need to advance the elimination to remove the next 7 most common, (nuts, seeds, chocolate, beef, coffee, sugar and bananas).  Check out the AIP, (Autoimmune Protocol) for more info.  Bone broth is awesome to help heal the digestive tract too.
  4. Love your Liver.  Try Incorporating several detoxing strategies to begin removing the many toxins that clog up your liver.  Dry brushing, castor oil packs, oil pulling, green smoothies, and deep breathing are just a few.  Some of these “at home” things can really add up and assist your body in detoxing and healing.
  5. Remove toxins.  Try to remove as many toxins from your life as possible.  Look for more natural brands and/or try switching to essential oils and making some of your own beauty and household products.  Check out this resource for more info.
  6. Invest in essential oils.  Certain oils are very helpful for hormone health.  Clary Sage, Geranium, Ylang Ylang, Rosemary, Frankincense, Bergamot and Lavender.  Check out this resource for tons of great info on essential oils and healthy living.

Investigate helpful supplements to support your body and help rebalance your hormones.

Some of them include:

  1. DIM - diindolylmethane - is already produced naturally in the body every time that you eat cruciferous vegetables, and one of its many benefits is helping the body convert excess estrogen into “good” estrogen. n addition to getting DIM from vegetables such as cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, and kale, you can also get DIM in the form of a supplement. DIM supplements have been found to improve estrogen metabolism, which in turn can help to ease symptoms related to estrogen dominance.
  2. Sulforaphane - this compound is also found in cruciferous vegetables, and many specialists recommend taking sulforaphane supplements alongside DIM. This is because sulforaphane further supports the estrogen elimination process, thereby increasing the “good” estrogen in your body.
  3. Calcium-D-glucarate - another supplement known to improve estrogen metabolism. In particular, this compound helps to support the liver detoxification process, remove the “bad” estrogens from your body, and reduce inflammation.

Other supplements include:

chasteberry, black cohosh, magnesium, B-complex vitamins, rhodiola rosea, ashwagandha, Omega 3 fatty acids, maca, probiotics and milk thistle for liver support.

  1. Book a pelvic floor consultation.

Estrogen Dominance Diet Plan

In addition to taking supplements, there are certain foods that you should eat (and avoid) if you are looking to lower your estrogen levels naturally.

Foods to eat

In order to lower your estrogen levels, you will want to focus on foods that support your liver, gut health, and metabolism. Here are a few examples of foods that can help you do just that!

  • Cruciferous vegetables – such as arugula, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, radishes, kale, cauliflower, and turnips.
  • High fiber fruits and vegetables – such as green peas, carrots, potatoes, sweet corn, raspberries, pears, apples, and bananas.
  • Natural probiotics – such as yogurt, cottage cheese, kombucha, tempeh, green olives, and sauerkraut.
  • Anti-inflammatory foods – such as tomatoes, olive oil, nuts, fatty fish, fruit, and leafy green vegetables.

Drinking plenty of water is another way to not only improve your liver and gut health, but to improve your overall health as well.

Foods to avoid when it comes to estrogen dominance

There are also several foods that you should aim to avoid if you are trying to lower your estrogen levels naturally as they may cause a strain on the liver or slow the metabolism:

  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners – such as sugary drinks, sweets, and processed foods.
  • Saturated and trans fats – such as processed meats, full-fat dairy products, baked goods, and processed foods.
  • Refined grains – such as white bread, white rice, and many processed foods like cereals, chips, crackers, and desserts/pastries.

Alcoholic beverages – such as wine, beer, and spirits.

Signs You Aren't Metabolizing Estrogen Properly

(mostly taken from)

Estrogen is a sex hormone involved in many biological processes, including female and male reproduction, neuroendocrine, vascular, skeletal, and immune systems.

Estrogens are active compounds, and when their active role is done, they must be excreted from the body. But, this is not necessarily a simple process. First, the active compound must be converted to an inactive compound (typically water soluble) so that it can then be sent to the colon and kidneys to healthfully leave the body via feces and urine.

Estrogen is a hormone that both males and females make endogenously. However, estrogens and estrogen-like compounds are also found in the environment.

For example, phytoestrogens are plant chemicals that mimic the structure of estrogen. Also, man-made chemicals such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), bisphenol A (BPA), and phthalates can also mimic estrogen when it comes into contact with our bodies.

How is Estrogen Metabolized in the Body?

Estrogen is mainly metabolized in the liver through a process called biotransformation - which is the process of breaking down estrogens into metabolites that can be excreted from the body. This process is also sometimes referred to as detoxification.

Hydroxylation is the process occurring in the first phase of biotransformation in the liver with the use of the cytochrome enzymes.

What Causes Estrogen Imbalance

An estrogen imbalance can be caused by a disruption anywhere within the known estrogen metabolic pathways.

An imbalance of other hormones, such as thyroid hormones, blood sugar regulation hormones, or other reproductive hormones, such as testosterone or progesterone, can contribute to an estrogen imbalance since there is a delicate balance required for hormonal homeostasis.

Poor liver function is also a possible cause of estrogen imbalance. This is because the liver is the location for most estrogen metabolism. So, if it isn't functioning optimally, the result could be an imbalance of estrogen and estrogen metabolites.

Dysbiosis of the gut microbiome can also be a cause of estrogen imbalance. The gut microbiome strongly influences the overall metabolism of estrogen. So, if the gut microbiome is disrupted or not diverse enough, an estrogen imbalance could occur.

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) are also a potential cause of estrogen imbalance. Research shows that these EDCs can potentially interfere with the synthesis, action, and metabolism of all sex steroid hormones, particularly estrogen. EDCs are rampant in our environment and can be found in industrial chemicals, pesticides on food, plasticizers in our plastic, metals, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals in personal care products. (some of the symptoms were added from other information found)

  • Bloating and digestive upset (constipation and or diarrhea)
  • Acne
  • Low libido
  • Irregular periods
  • Tender, swollen, or fibrocystic breasts
  • Headaches (and or migraines)
  • Weight gain (unexplained, unwarranted, usually around the belly)
  • Hot flashes
  • Endometriosis
  • Fibroids
  • Decreased metabolism
  • Mood swings
  • Brain fog
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Male hormonal issues: gynecomastia, male infertility, erectile dysfunction
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Spider/varicose veins
  • Gall bladder problems
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Decreased energy
  • Sleep issues (fatigue, insomnia)
  • Cellulite
  • Hair loss
  • Allergies
  • Thyroid issues
  • Glandular system issues
  • Infertility

How to Support Estrogen Metabolism & Detox?

Hormone Balancing Diet

Gut health is an area that must be focused on. The microbiome's diversity impacts estrogen metabolism. So, ensuring a robust and diverse microbiome is essential. Probiotics have been shown to restore the gut microbiome. However, for those interested in a more food-based treatment, eating a low inflammatory high fiber diet consisting of fermented foods has been shown to also positively affect the diversity of the gut microbiome.


Supporting overall hormonal balance is a great way to ensure that estrogen is found at proper levels in the body. Using herbal medicine is a great way to ensure the balance of hormones, specifically estrogen. Glycyrrhiza glabra, also commonly known as licorice, is an herb that has alterative properties. This means that when estrogen levels are too high, it can inhibit estrogen action, and when estrogens are too low, it can help increase estrogen production.

Calcium-d-glucarate supplementation can also help support the excretion of excess estrogen since it inhibits beta-glucuronidase and allows more estrogen to leave the body in the stool.

Liver health is also essential for ensuring proper estrogen metabolism since most estrogen metabolism occurs within the liver. Milk thistle, resveratrol, coffee, and green tea all have evidence to be beneficial in assisting with liver function.

Videos - Causes and Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance - Top 6 Supplements to Reverse Estrogen Dominance - Top Four Teas for Hormone Imbalance and Estrogen Dominance - Beat Estrogen Dominance Using These 5 Foods

Additional websites to check out:

6 Ways to Reverse Estrogen Dominance Naturally -

The Liver Hormone Connection (Dr. Becky Campbell) - - very informative and interesting read to give you a much better understanding and appreciation of your liver

(excerpt from above link) The liver wants you to know that it’s kind of a really big deal. It is the largest gland in the body, carries out over 500 essential bodily tasks, and is the only organ with the capacity to regenerate.

Best Bang for your Buck that I found - Supplemental Options for Estrogen Dominance:

I contacted our local Health store and they recommended two items to start with:

EstroSense & DIM plus -

EstroSense is a complete natural formula that helps support and promote healthy estrogen balance and reduces the symptoms of estrogen dominance.

It’s exclusive formula containing all-natural ingredients to help maintain healthy hormone balance by promoting liver detoxification and healthy estrogen metabolism.

EstroSense is contains calcium D-glucarate, indole-3-carbinol, green tea extract, turmeric extract, rosemary extract, lycopene, sulforaphane, and milk thistle seed extract.

It is $47.97 CDN on amazon

Along with Women Sense Estrosense, it is beneficial to add the DIM.

After talking with our local health store, they recommended Nature’s Way DIM plus

On Amazon it is: $32.95 CDN

As I have always struggled swallowing pills and have to either chew them or take them apart, I am trying to find products that are either available in liquid or powder form.

I found the below one and that is the one I am going to start with first.


FemmeLean Benefits

Some of the benefits of FemmeLean include:

  • Support fat loss by boosting metabolism and minimizing cravings
  • Boost energy and vitality
  • Designed for women of all ages
  • Support digestion, libido, mental clarity, and more
  • Detoxify your body of xenoestrogens, the root cause of toxicity and hormone imbalance
  • Backed by 180-day money-back guarantee

Here is more information on FemmeLean if it interests you!

If this information interests you, I would recommend that you take some time to investigate and research on your own what will work best for you.

I am not advocating on behalf of anything or anyone, rather just sharing the information that I have learned and hope that it helps someone else with their journey.

If you have any information to share, please email as I would love to learn more and can add it to the website for others to see.

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