Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business & Personal Tip – Helping Others – July 27 & 28/24

Helping Others:  Are you helping others out of the goodness of your heart, for them, or are you helping others because you get something from it? 

What is your agenda when helping others? 

Sometimes, we help others because it fulfills something in our lives.   

For example, I have helped others in my life because I didn’t want to deal with things going on in my own life, and so I made myself available to help others which just prolonged what I was going through.   

I felt good in being able to assist and help out, but it created a bigger void in my life.  In the moment, it made me feel good and helpful and gave me warm fuzzy feelings, which is good and I don’t have regrets in helping theoe individuals throughout my life. 

But I did recognize a pattern of avoiding my own issues or things that I should have been addressing in my life and put my focus on other people. 

Sometimes, I was in an unhealthy state to be helping these people and actually needed help myself, but putting myself in a position of being a helper, I couldn’t be a helpee!  So to speak! 

Questions to Ponder: 

Are you always putting yourself out there to help others? 

Are you always in a position of needing help? 

Check your agenda and make sure you are dealing with your own goings on.  Although, it is nice to be able to help others, you also need to help yourself.  No one will take care of you if you don’t!   

Make yourself a priority – make you the person you choose to help this month and see what happens – see what changes in your own life. 

Give yourself the gift of you! 

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