Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Kids Incentives – July 23/24

Kids Incentives:  What is your kid’s currency? 

What that means is – what motivates your children? 

When raising kids, there are times when it is useful to use an incentive program; potty training, cleaning their room, assisting with family chores, even good behavior sometimes.  There are numerous reasons to enjoy the benefits of incentives.   

However, you don’t want to use them too often either, as they become an expectation and then you are basically bribing your child to behave and that takes it a little too far. 

I used the sticker program for potty training and it worked well with all my kids.  It was a visual, it wasn’t giving them a candy or sweet every time, but a little reward for going.  

Utilizing different incentives at different ages can definitely help teach and direct children.  It is a very useful tool. 

Different children usually have a different currency, and as they grow, those can change as well. 

It is important to learn these currencies and motivators as it can simplify the learning process, and assist you in a positive way when raising your children. 

Questions to Ponder: 

What is your child’s currency? 

What would help motivate them? 

What doesn’t work?  Sometimes you have to go through the ones that don’t work to find the one that does. 

Sometimes knowing your child's love language can help in this process. Is it something they do, you do, a gift, time together? Check out the previous post on June 26/24 - the 5 Love Languages for more information. 

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