Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business & Personal Tip – Passion – July 18/24

Passion:  When you are passionate about what you do; it doesn’t feel like work or responsibility.  You can put in extra time and effort and you are happy to do so. 

Being passionate about what you are doing is a gift.  There are very few people out there that are able to do something that they are passionate about. 

I am fortunate to have had a few different jobs and volunteer experrience in my professional life that have given me that amount of joy and enjoyment. 

I am also fortunate in my personal life to have experienced the things in life that mattered to me - that I was passionate about - I was adopted and I found both of my birthparents and it has been an amazing experience for me, I was blessed to be a mom, I have been blessed to watch my parents age and be able to be near them and help them as needed, and I have had the fortune to travel, meet people, help people, inspire and be inspired. These are all things that I am passionate about.

When you are passionate about your job or what you are doing, it isn’t about the money, the hours, the work or the people – it ignites something inside you, along with a gratefulness that you are where you are supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to be doing, with the people you are supposed to be doing it with!   

When you have passion in your personal life - everything is better, lighter, more enjoyable.

Find your passion and be fulfilled.

It is a truly amazing feeling. 

Questions to Ponder: 

Are you passionate about what you do currently? 

Have you been passionate about something in your past? 

What are you passionate about? 

Have you even allowed yourself to think about it? 

What kind of changes can you make in your life to get you there?  (Obviously, it is important to be able to pay your bills, but if you can tweak things and find your passion in the process – it is so worth it!) 

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