Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Red Flags – May 20/24

Red Flags:  Red flags are things that come up during a friendship or relationship that give you a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. 

It is something that you recognize that someone else is doing or saying to you and it bothers you.  It is similar to a trigger – what we discussed on April 21/23 but more severe.  It is something that has been done in your past and caused you pain and now it is giving you the same feeling. 

This is something that bothers you mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  The red flag is your mind, body, heart, spirit and soul reaching out to you to say – tread lightly – you could get hurt. 

Questions to Ponder: 

What you have to recall in this moment is – the red flag itself.  What is it trying to tell you? 

What are you to be learning about the red flag? 

Is it something that you can get past? 

Is it something trying to protect you? 

Sometimes we will protect ourselves from things that have happened in the past to keep them from happening again.  However, sometimes these flags that come up, help us but they can also hinder us.  We may have gotten hurt in the past from it, but it may be part of our future.   

We have to figure out when they come up if they are flags for our benefit or flags that may be detrimental to keep us from getting further in our journey. 

Red flags are there for a reason – take notice of them and then figure out if you are to veer off course or to stay the course. 

If you would like assistance and would like to delve into this further, please reach out to People Under Construction at  or contact 

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