Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – The Golden Rule – May 13/24

The Golden Rule:  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Which means treat others how you want to be treated. 

I grew up living and being taught this rule. 

This works to an extent but as we have grown and evolved, some people have continued in this manner but on many occasions it seems to backfire.   

It seems to backfire because some people really don’t have a conscience and so when you treat them how you want to be treated, they just take advantage of your good nature and treat you like a doormat and use and abuse your good heart and intentions.   

Instead of them learning from the way you are treating them, they misuse that and take your power from you. It’s like you have given them permission to take the steering wheel of your life and they direct and guide you wherever they want to take you for as long as you are willing to sit in the back seat of your life. 

Then when you stand up for your life and take the steering wheel back from them, they are mad at you… 

What I have learned from this experience, unfortunately, is that for a time and a season, you need to treat people how they are treating you – give them a dose of their own medicine. 

Stand up for yourself, take back your life, take back your control and teach people how you deserve to be treated. 

This can be a hard process, because it is not your natural way of doing things, but you deserve to be respected and you deserve to respect yourself. 

When you treat others in the same manner that they are treating you, it can be an eye opener and it gives them food for thought. 

I have learned to give others the same respect they give me and I only go as far as they are willing to go with me – I no longer go above and beyond with those that wouldn’t do the same for me.  I found when I did this I lost myself in their needs and wants. 

Be true to yourself.  Standing up for yourself is not a selfish act, it is saying that you are important and you matter – which you do...  No one is going to look after you but you…  

Questions to Ponder: 

What is your philosophy? 

How do you treat others? 

How do they treat you? 

How do you treat yourself? 

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