Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – My Story – May 9/24

My Story:  I have a shirt that says “My life.  My choices.  My mistakes.  My lessons.  Not your business.  Mind your own problems before you talk about mine.  My life is not your story to tell.” 

It may sound a bit harsh but in reality it is a very true statement. 

It is my life, my story, my business to share with those I chose to share it with, in my own words from my point of view - the author.  

As other people share those very personal moments of our lives, they tend to put their own spin on things - their point of view. They tend to embellish, add or subtract things that are not necessarily correct or true or even portray the story in the same light. 

It's one thing to share someone else's story to help another and possibly connect the two people so they can share and support one another.  

It is another thing to just blurt out other people's business to anyone that will listen while changing the connotation of the story with a tone of judgment. 

We need to start recognizing that we need to look at our lives instead of others’ lives and give them the respect that they deserve as they live theirs and hope that others give us the same respect with ours. 

Points to Ponder: 

Remember this as you share other people stories and think of your own stories to share instead... 

Do you tend to talk about other people and judge what they are going through and how they are going through it? 

Everyone has an opinion, but remember it isn’t always important to share that opinion with others. 

Everyone has their own journey, their own ups and downs, their own loops and hoops – help them along their journey instead of hindering it.   

Don’t be someone else’s stumbling block… 

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