Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Legacy – May 8/24

Legacy:  What legacy do you want to leave behind? 

There are many ways throughout our life that we can leave a footprint or legacy. 


  • By passing on family traditions 
  • Sharing the family recipes 
  • Talking about big moments and events that happened in the family in the past 
  • Discussing family stories 
  • Being proud of who you are and where you came from 
  • Looking at family photos 
  • Making a past / present scrapbook 
  • Doing a family tree 

By doing this, you create a root system that helps the next generation to be more grounded and feel connected to something bigger than themselves, that they can add to and then pass on. 


  • Have a mission and vision statement that is known by everyone and that others share that enhances the direction that the company is going in 
  • Hire employees that continue this mission and vision and buy into it to create the right culture for your business establishment 
  • Keep the traditions that are serving the company 
  • Evolve and grow in the right directions that continue those traditions and add value to them  
  • Create an atmosphere to maintain long term employees 
  • Cultivate team work and strength within the company 
  • Maintain and sustain long term clients by establishing long term relationships  
  • Make effective business decisions to create and continue the legacy that lives on after you – whether you are an employee, manager or owner, we can all create a lasting legacy 

Questions to Ponder: 

What legacy do you want to leave behind personally and professionally? 

What steps are you taking to create that legacy? 

Are you taking time with your family to create that legacy? 

What will people remember about you? 

What impact have you created with the life you have lived? 

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