Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business & Personal Tip – Defining Moments – Apr 29/24

This series that I had originally intended for the Personal Tips for the next few days pertained to the business world as well.  I have sometimes used the same tip for both Business and Personal but decided that this whole would be utilized for both tips.  They intermingle quite well and I would like to invite you to think of them on a personal level first and then a business level second.  This journey started on Apr 22/24 – so you know where to start… 

Defining Moments:  How do you define a defining moment in your life? 

There are many moments in life that define us; such as but not limited to: 

  • Becoming a teenager 
  • Getting your driver’s license 
  • Turning legal drinking age 
  • Getting your degree or certificate 
  • Getting married 
  • Getting divorced 
  • Having a baby 
  • Moving 
  • Changing jobs 
  • Some friendships 
  • Some hardships 
  • Death of a loved one 
  • Death of a pet 
  • Loss of something 
  • Illness 
  • Health 
  • Letting go 

These are the ones that come to mind – there are a lot more to me and some people would say I might have mentioned too many! Lol 

Some moments we let define us too much and others maybe not enough. 

We can sometimes allow the negative ones to affect us more than they should and let them overshadow the positive ones. 

Sometimes, we need to try to step out of our circle and look at our life from the outside to gain a better understanding of where we are currently and where we want to actually be.  When we are so involved in our own crap, we can get tunnel vision, get caught up in our emotions, run on autopilot, etc. 

Are you in that trap? 

I call it the merry go round of life.  Where you seem to go round and round but aren’t really going anywhere. 

I have likened my life to an amusement park at times – sometimes I’m on the merry go round, the roller coaster, the drop of doom, the zipper, etc.  Especially when I am being run by my emotions. 

It took me a long time to recognize these patterns, then decide to take a look at why, then make decisions to get off the rides, then end up on them again – time and again and then finally – I got out of the amusement park and haven’t looked back. 

Why am I mentioning all of this when I am talking about defining moments – because for quite a while it was those events that were defining mine until I decided that I deserved better moments to define myself. 

I allowed too many things, people, situations, circumstances, experiences and moments take up real estate in my mind that were running my life – so in short, I was in the passenger seat of my own life. 

When I decided to become the driver of my own life, I had better defining moments and my life started to take better shape and I started to create my defining moments. 

How does all of this tie into the series that I have been discussing. 

If you don’t have clear vision, mission, core values, guiding principles, ethics and morals, then you tend to be hanging out more in the amusement park of life instead of living your life!  

Those help you move forward in a positive movement and keep you from getting tangled in amongst the bs of life… 

By knowing what yours are, it creates a different environment and atmosphere for you to have better defining moments. 

Questions to Ponder: 

What moments have defined you the most? 

In a positive way? 

In a negative way? 

What moments do you want to bring into your life? 

What are you creating in your life? 

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