Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business & Personal Tip – Addiction – Mar 30 & 31/24

Addiction:  A touchy subject for most. 

This word means many things to many different people. 

Some understand it to some point, some embrace it, some defend it, some deny it and others enable it. 

Nevertheless, this word and the action behind it, has consumed people, has destroyed people, has hurt people, has (you finish this one…) 

Addiction of any kind can cause problems for the ones addicted and the ones that love the addicted person.  It is a life changing experience. 

It is a long and arduous process for all involved. 

Everyone has to choose their path. 

Questions to Ponder: 

Do you know someone who is addicted? 

How does it affect their life?  Your life? 

Are you addicted to something? 

Is it time to do something about it? 

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