Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip – Live Events – Jan 11/24

Live Events:  As things get back to normal so to speak, we are starting to see things open up once again – conferences, conventions, trainings, meetings, etc. However, it is still nice to have the option of the online version, instead of travelling and all that entails. 

People can once again get together instead of experiencing it over the computer screen.   

I must admit, many companies did a wonderful job at keeping the momentum up, figuring out how to offer the same services, just over the internet so that these things could still continue, just in a different way. 

I was part of a few of these things and they were very well done and provided great information and tools, however, a live event is a totally different energy, feeling and experience – and that is definitely harder to capture in an online presence. 

With things opening up, I am starting to see advertisements for different events and it is wonderful to see. 

I know that some people will be first in line – just to be involved in something and attend, some people will be apprehensive and others may continue to take the online option. 

It is really great to see how technology has advanced and evolved to provide us with so many different options and for that I am thankful.  This last couple of years would have been a much harder experience without the help of the internet, video calls and conferencing, and all the other advantages it has given us. 

Questions to Ponder: 

Did you attend many online events? 

Do you plan on attending any live events? 

How will you approach them now? 

Are you excited or apprehensive? 

Will you continue to take the online option, if available? 

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