Valentines Day 2023

Take Time Off – Dec 26 – 31/23

Take TIme Off:  It is important in life to take some time to yourself and spend time with your family.

We get so wrapped up in things that we don't seem to give us the necessary relax time that we need and deserve. 

I think it is important that we know that about ourselves - when we need to allow ourselves to do that. 

It is funny how we need to give ourselves permission to do that. We don't usually allow ourselves that down time - time off - we push ourselves to the limit day in and day out until we get sick and are forced to rest, relax and be lazy. 

Allow yourself that time to reboot before you get sick and then you can actually enjoy your time. 

We reboot our phones, our computers, give many other things and people the time they need but we tend to overwork ourselves. 

Make yourself a priority in 2024 and take time for yourself!! 

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