Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Hormone Changes – Nov 29/23

Hormone Changes:  I never really noticed things changing – until my youngest started having issues with her acne and then I noticed that some of my issues might be changing hormones due to my age. 

Little annoyances didn’t really make me think about it until it had probably gone on for over 2 years. 

Check out my second finding under My Health Journey section to understand this further, where I elaborate a bit more on things. 

Here are a few links to check out:

It is definitely worth catching early and looking into as it tends to snowball and cause other issues, symptoms and annoyances which also causes some frustration. 

Points to Ponder: 

Have you noticed any of these changes or symptoms? 

Make it a priority to check on some things and get them sorted sooner rather than later. 

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